NM Unit 32

I've hunted here several years without luck. Seen deer, but few bucks and none of any size. Can anyone steer me in a good direction in this area? Many thanks.

Don't know much about that zone........but welcome to the board.

BOHNTR )))---------------->
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Thank you, sir, for your welcome. I've enjoyed reading your, and others, posts. I'm going back to NM 32 in about a month. Will let you know what I find.
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I'm guessing you are going to have an over the counter hunt. So I am wondering why are you chosing unit 32? There are better units out there, however generaly otc hunts are not worth a darn. You better make this hunt count because as you might know this is the last year for NM otc hunts. Our wonderfull NMDGF finally figured that our deer herds are in big trouble. (what a brain buster) Also dont forget the new 3 point rule that went into effect this fall
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Roger on the changes for this year and next. Guess I keep asking myself why I keep going back to 32. ](*,) Somewhat familiar with the area, relatives in Roswell, and the dates work well for my buddy that always joins me from Florida. I've seen some large bucks come off some private ranches in 32, but the public land seems to be overrun with roadhunters. I've even seen kids, with guns loaded, sitting in lawn chairs in the back of a pickup as dad drives all over the area. Not my idea of ethical hunting. Next year, we're definitely trying somewhere else. Ths for your thoughts, though.