nm unit 39
12/9/13 7:18pm
Hi everyone, i took on a left over tag this year for a hunt in unit 39 while hunting the early September archery hunt i saw 4 doe opening day on a water hole and that was it. the unit has a lot of private land but i found some decent looking area near clines corners and wagon wheel area. I scouted this week in the two areas that i worked in September and the 4 does seem to be in the same area doing the same thing as they were in September. with the recent storm i was able to track the does and find there bedding area. one question i had for anyone that is from new mexico is when is the rut? I have heard a million different answers. This is my first Muley hunt and i was wondering if anyone had any advice? and if anyone knows the area much. Im preparing for the january hunt thats coming up trying to get lots of boot time. Thanks.