no buck for me

well my buck season is over didn't see a thing today :>/ :>/ :>/ #-o #-o

but i got a doe tag and a cow elk tag for 3rd season coming up 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c
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Hey coloradobuck, just try to look at it this actually saved one's life this year!! =D>

And think of this too....the one you saved, well just think how much bigger he'll be next year!! :thumb

But the REAL question is....did you have a fun hunt? That's what is most important anyway.

And if you need some venison, bigbuck92 will donate some, he's got a whole freezer full!! :))
"skull krazy" wrote: And if you need some venison, bigbuck92 will donate some, he's got a whole freezer full!! :))
lol yep i do. next year its strictly horn hunting.haha i needed some meat this year the family hasnt got a deer for 3 years. chewin on a piece of jerky right now. YUMMY!