No deer, just a yote

Well I just got home from the Gleave family annual muley hunt down by around fish lake. Have a cabin down there and every year since the 80's and before we've had a big group of us meet down there for the hunt. Seems to me that every year there's more and more people. with less and less deer and even less/smaller bucks. (makes me sad to say this year was probably my last as i've about had it with gettin lucky to see a spike or two point anymore)

anyways, this afternoon as we were on our way outa there we decided to take a dirt road outa town and see if we'd press our luck as road hunters bein as thats what everyone else does down there and they seems to luck out with it.. well we never did see that 4-point or better but this hairy little yote caught my eye runnin through the sage brush, dropped em around 150 yds. when he stopped - and im gonna try bleaching my first skull, any help? :) anyways, had a great time down there :thumb" alt="" />

Nice job on thinning the YOTE out. I never saw one on the opener. Dang-it. #-o

Saw lots of several little 2-points though. :)

i killed me a yote yesterday while out hunting. didnt see any bucks but killed the a yote so it wanst a total loss of a day :)
Great dog my friend!
bowhunter 616
Good job on the yote. :222 :222
thanks all :) - I know i'm a nut and will probably get a ton a crap for sayin this, but i wish we had more yotes runnin around. haha.. i LOVE shooting these little things.

Alright, well maybe I don't want more of em, but i wish we saw the ones that're here more. yeah, that sounds better - they make for some awesome target practice :333
HH, Good job! We need some more killed here in Colorado if you wack them all in Utah. When I was in Wyoming this week, I saw a few there too. Kill em all. :222
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Congrats on the first coyote, but be carefull they can be addicting! :))
To bleach the skull first skin off the hide, remove the eyes and all the meat you can. Now I boil mine, some just use water to rot the meat off or you can send it to someone with those meat eating bugs.
Anyhow, boiling is definatly an OUTSIDE job and don't use your mothers good pots. Either buy a cheep enamal pot just for boiling heads or get one that won't be used for anything else again.
If you can get ahold of some Sal-Soda or soda ash(avaliable form most taxidermy supply places) the process goes quicker. I made a basket out of small wire mesh (hardware store) that fits in my boiling pot to catch loose teath and such.
The best thing I have found to heat the pot is the burner used to heat oil for deep frying turkeys, but any burner ought to work.
Set up ourside out of the wind, add the Sal-Soda to the water put the skull in the basket and bring the whole thing to a boil. Let boil for 30 minutes or so and take a look. The meat should be loosing, use a flat screwdriver, wire bush, bit of bailing wire to get the brains out, and clean off whats loose. Repeat till clean, but be carefull no to overboil, this can make the bone soft. Rinse thoughly with clean water.
Now to bleach. Hydrogen peroxide is pretty safe and easy to find. Soak the skull for a couple of days then set in the sun (out of reach of critters) for a couple more days. Should be quite white now. If you have any doubt if you got the skull clean put it in a warm room for a few hours, your nose will let you know if you did. :thumb
Glue in loose teath or bones and seal the skull with Krylon sealer when done!
Nothing to it :thumb

thanks, never knew how to do that myself either.

Anyone have a picture of a bleached skull finished to post?

Don't have a dog skull bleached yet but here are some pictures of a two point that I did." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

Hope that this helps.
That's the freakin bucka my dreams!! haha.. I know I sound like a goof but i've always wanted to just at least get a picture of a huge 2 point like that! that things awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Huntingal - that's some serious in-depth info there!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I'll keep all informed
Thanks. I'm proud of him also. This is the buck that I cut my shooting under preasure teeth on. I had just enough time to range him when he started across the clearing. By the time I drew my bow he was broadside so I whistled and when he stopped I let the air out of him. I had always worried if I would be able to do it or not so I was happy when I saw him go down. It usualy takes me a minute to get my witts about me when an animal that I would like to shoot shows up but this one was quick that I didn't have time to get nervous. This was also the first time that I didn't have time to study his rack before it was all said and done. I saw that he wasn't a yearling and had a nice rack so I started to get ready to shoot. I thought that it had to be at least a three point but to my surprise that third point was missing. Still happy though. :)
wow that is a great deer. i like the big deer with only a couple points to. it think there awesome
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nice two point