No elk, no Squatches

Not the 10ft male squatch I was after but I'll take it..... I'm trying to get some elk on there but I must be doing something wrong #-o
I'll trade you I'm hoping for deer and only get elk.
Well at least the Bears and Deer like you. :)

I was trying for deer this summer, and got a whole bunch of Antelope pics (first time ever).
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I've been hunting this same area the past 10 years and I've never even seen a sign of bears being in the area, then I found the skull 2 weekends ago, and the following weekend got these pictures. I think I might be a little more cautious hiking around in the dark now! haha. But if you tell me where these elk are, I will tell you where these deer are! Hiking in to check my camera I ran into 4 bucks just a few hundred yards from my camera and 2 of them were much bigger than the buck in the picture! One of them looked like a 4x5 or 5x5 but it had at least a 30" spread and fairly tall with a lot of mass! Easily the biggest buck I've ever come across in my life.
What unit are you looking for Elk on?
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Just General unit around Soapstone. But the elk have come now! haha