No Turkey.... YET
4/16/07 6:22pm
This last weekend was turkey opener in colorado. I was out with my bow and there was 5 inches of snow. It sucked, it seemed to hold up the turkey's or move them out. The hole day i hadn't seen a turkey or heard a turkey. Then went to camp just before dark and heard a turkey gobbling high on a ridge. That night made a plan then in pitch black dark in the morning i made a move to set up as close as possible to the roost. About 5:30am he started gobbling and got my heart pumping. I was about 60 yards away from the roost. I later started to yelp and he responded right away. It went all the way till 6:10am. Then I heard him fly down. Then it was very quiet and he stopped calling. I had 2 decoys at 20 yards in different directions. I sat there and called a little, but nothing. Then it was finally 11:15am so i packed up and left. Then sat at a differnt location and nothing.
Going back out this weekend. Hopefully I'll have one AND there won't be no snow.
Going back out this weekend. Hopefully I'll have one AND there won't be no snow.
Good Luck on your hunt. I would gladly trade places. You can come and work at my job and I'll go hunting. :)
Another thing... if the bird isn't interested, nothing you do will work! However, if you find a hot tom and make the right sounds, nothing will stop that bird from running to your set-up.
Good luck!
nothing, no sounds, no seen... but found some $hit. so got a idea of where. hopefully next weekend..
talked to local game warden, said turkeys are breeding yet and aren't responding to calls yet...spring is late. which i could tell from last year to now.