Non res hunting Wyoming wilderness up date

As some of you may remember I've been trying to put a bug in the ear of my local House and Senate Reps to Change the restricktions on Non-res hunting in the wilderness.

Well my House Rep ran into my wife at the store today and she pined him down , in fact she called me and handed him the phone. After some back pedling on why he never answered my email He gave the old line about the outfitters Ass. and how much power they have.
to which I asked just how many outfitters are even hunting in the wilderness and now that the State raised the lic. 20 % don't you think we need to do something to get hunters to keep hunting here and find a way to get some new ones.

He said we'll have to get together and discuse it.
Well time will tell, But I'm still trying.
Keep on him, you never know what might happen. Got a good, bold wife. :)
Larry, keep up the good work. That 20% increase, does that mean for next years Non-Residents license fees?
Wyoming already has the highest PP fee's in the west and they just raised tag fees too.

I do find it comical that a NR must be guided by either a outfitter or a Resident. And a resident can guide u to 2 people into a wilderness areaa.

Colorado is also following suite they raised fees a year ago and now they are talking about raising the pp fee to even higher if you dont buy a license or tag the year before this will affect both R & NR currently it is $25 per point if you do not buy a license of some sort the year prior.

They said it was to help controll point creep, Thats crap becuase all there doing is making people with less money drop out of the points game. I wish all western states would follow Wyoming in that they give 25% of tags to the random draw.

Its to late probally to fix the pp creep in the west but some states like Kansas will take your points even if you buy a left over license then theres not much point creep becuase you either build and hunt or buy leftovers or draw 1st choice and hunt.
Shhhhh.....GWH some Kansas money grubbing legislator(wait thats all of them) may hear you.

Larry, keep after em!