Non res WY archery elk question?
11/11/10 3:48am
I bought a preference pt this past fall, we are planning a archery elk hunt to WY, I have been looking at the regs and app process. I dont know if I am reading this right, but from what I am seeing type 9 license is a archery only and there is no General archery tags available! all limited quota,so what I see is lots of general areas, which begs the question we will have to apply with these areas and hunt with rifle hunters if we want to bow hunt? Or am I missing the general areas that are open to bowhunting? Thanks for any help

11/11/10 5:24am
Well I think I figured out these regs... If an area has a general license, u can hunt it during archery season on the specified chart with open archery dates?? am I correct?

11/15/10 1:50pm
That's correct. We had general tags this year and mainly hunted during the archery season. We had a great time and couldn't believe how friendly everyone was when we would go into town. Wyoming has some great hunting and great people. Good luck on your hunt.

11/17/10 1:16am
I got some help on facebook from a friend... gave me a area to start and is going to help me out with where to go. Greys river

11/26/10 10:44am
The rifle deer hunt starts Sep. 15th in the Greys River area. It is pretty crowded the first 3-4 days. I would try and hunt around those dates.