Nonresident Hunting Montana 2005

Nonresidents hunting Montana the elk herds are way down & about to bottom out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some days you can even find even a track, not even sign of old droppings. That would be after hours of glassing & riding your mule in the best elk country you can find!!!!!!

The mule deer are in the same boat, after so many years of hunting them in the rut all u see is small 2x3 16" wide bucks!!!!!!!!

As for the whitetails you best have a guide and some $$$$ because the best ones are on private ground.

Has been a dry winter is going to be a hot dry summer so the will not be racks to had on anything, not to mention grizzly bear and the wolfs & big cats.

Farms almanac says that snow is going to come early & get cold. You don't want get that truck stuck up in the mountains for 5 months??????

So what I am trying to say is, that you best RETURN your TAG and get your money refund.


#94 on the alternate nonresident list, only because of the mess up with ALS numbers.

2005 Montana Bull no guides on public land with bow" alt="" />
Welcome to the forums, I must say I'm a little confused by your post. :)
You say how bad Montana is and the "dire" straits hunting is their and then post a picture of a beautfiul, Massive, bull. :arrow
With a bow. What gives?

I assume your joking, not to familiar with Montana. Thanks for the picture that is a great bull.
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Just joking!!! Did not draw this year. On the nonresident return tag list & waiting some of the 200 tags to be we issued. It's all in fun. 0 that was a 2004 bull.


vegetarian old world word meaning Poor Hunterif