
it's getting about that time? i've became used to looking at a dandy buck ,about this time of year from you. so---- HOW"S IT GOING??

if you got a biggun located and could use some luck, well-- GOOOOOD LUCK TO YA!
I'm sure he has one in mind, just has not got him yet or he has not posted pics of him yet :)
Nonya went north for the last 9 days of the season.I did get a text pic of his buck but I will let him post the pic and tell the story.
right on! i knew it was getting about his time, cant wait :thumb
Hey Guys!no monster this year but one h ell of an adventure!Hunted eight straight days right on the Canadian border.On the second day of my hunt we went way up high and got into DEEP snow.Cut a monster track on top of a ridge that I knew had to be a muley (this is a predominatly whitetail area,the initial plan for the trip but I couldnt resist the urge to hunt muleys after getting up high in the snow),anywhoo,followed this monster track higher and higher,through 3 miles of a burn/blowdown area with snow chest deep,3 miles of the hardest terrain I have ever traversed.Starte bumping does when i hit the top of the mountian,then the wolves starte howling and working their way down the backside of the ridge,at this point I was PISSED,figured I worked this hard just to have these damn wolves run the deer back down the side I came up( I later learned howling wolves have no effect whatsoever on deer after watching them completly ignore howls coming from within a half mile).Stayed with the herd tracks after loosing the big guy in the mess and 3 miles later all the way back down the opposite side of the ridge my partner spotted a doe/fawn pair moving down a burn feeding.I threw the binocs up and locked eyes with my buck at 450 yards in some dark timber,we froze for a good 20 min and waited for this old dude to get bored,a doe came past him and he turned to sniff ass giving me a clear shot at his shoulder,hammered him with shot 1 and he backed up into the timber where i dropped him with a second round.This guy was ancient,he had hooves like a spike bull elk and was completly emanciated,two BIG holes in his neck/shoulder from combat and by far the stinkiest deer I have handled,didnt smell like a rutting buck,had a very fowl oder unlike any I have smelled.Bone him out and we packed him back out to the trail head after a 14 hour hike,by far the hardest earne buck i have ever harvested and he wil take a place of honor on my wall.Not a monster by any means but a respectable buck anywhere,he has bases large enough I cant get my thumb and forefinger to touch around them,two reall cool stickers coming off the back side of the right beam,on the left side the two front forks grew together to form a "spoon" shaped club,you can see the outline of both tines.Spent the next 6 days putting MILES on the mountians,saw my first Lynx up close and personal,had a wold at 30 feet in the road,this years pup barley bigger than a coyote,ran off with his tail tucked between his legs,looke at about 1000 whitail and never saw what i consider a shooter,we did locate a decent buck and the next morning when we came back to hunt him I found him dead,killed bya lion right in the timber above where we saw him at dark,my buddy was less than happy since it was the best buck we had seen the entire week and I found him.This area was completly new to me and I believe it has great muley potential,just have to hunt it with someone who isnt a WT nut and wants to get up high and spend the days needed to bust a monster.All I have now is a cell phone pic of the rack after I cleaned it up,ill post a field pic if and when my partner emails me the ones he took. Cole" alt="" />
Yaak river falls south of our hunting area..." alt="" />
Cole, what an adventure you had, congrats on getting a buck maybe next time you hit that area you will drop the big one your after.
Sounds like a wild and rugged adventure for sure.
Sounds like a awesome adventure, and quite an area! Congrats on the success and the journey...can't wait to see the rest of the pics.
thats awsome! great job on killing a mature deer :thumb
Congrats Nonya! For me the trophy is in the adventure, your story makes me believe it even more. 10sign:
Maybe not a B&C head, but certainly a trophy buck and a great adventure.
Man that's a Trophy in my book, Great Hunt..
Heres a pic my partner took of us coming down out of the burn after the kill" alt="" />
Heres a pic showing those giant track feet,you know what they say about feet?Well its true for mulies too...." alt="" />
That's great NONYA, mulies in NW MT are not easy to kill.
Very true,I learned that very quickly,you only find them in the most inhospitable terrain and they are few and far between,I was very pleased to take a good mature buck on my first attempt up there. [-o<
i'm getting used to you showing a pic of a nice buck every year on MM. but just reading the stories, i would put this one #1. pretty cool adventure! and to me, that is what makes a hunt!
Man that is a pretty buck and sounds like one awesome adventure. Congrats on another awesome year. :thumb
Great buck and awesome photos NONYA! CONGRATS