Nonya was right! About Nosler ballistic tips anyways

Well, after all of the hoopla over Nosler failures I decided to give the Federal Premium 150 NBT 7mm Rem mag factory loads that I had picked up at a clearance sale a try on antelope this year. I shot mine at a measly 80 yards, broadside in the right shoulder and it completely blew the meat away in a 8" circle without even penetrating the chest cavity. I then proceeded to to try and put him down as he was going straight away and knocked a similar, but smaller chunk out his right ham. needless to say he still went over the rise with his right front leg a swinging. I then wisely put in a 150 grain Sierra and slipped over the rise and spotted him bedded down with his head still up. He saw me and got to his feet and the Sierra placed mid ship did him in. I was appalled at the failure to penetrate from the 2 NBT's.

I will absolutely never foul my barrel with another one of those bullets. My son shot his with a 30-06 150 cor-lokt at 150 and tipped him over on the spot. I have killed several big game animals with my 7 with Nosler Accu-bonds and the 150 -165 Sierra's all with one shot, so this was shocking to me that it would take 3 shots to kill a lope. My camera is a regular old film model and I will try to figure out how to post them later. My son and my buddy made fun of me saying that my antelope looked like the mad butcher had been after him with a meat cleaver. I told them that it was my special form of meat tenderizing. lol
Can't wait to see the pics.
I have shot nosler ballistic tips for many years now without ever needing a 2nd shot unless I myself missed. I dont shoot a 7mm. but a 30-06 and I use 150's for deer\lope\pigs\and others, 165 high energy for elk, all animals went down with no problem. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that you couldn't dump a lope with this bullet becuase it rocks. :thumb
Dont feel bad,i watched a woman pull the same exact scenario on Sunday,same bullet,300 short mag,same results,even after I warned them about the worthless POS's.When we walked up on the lope and finished it off after 3 hits her husband said the same exact thing,NEVER AGAIN!If you use these bullets every year and havnt seen it you are very lucky or shooting a slow round,if you dont believe it can happen your just living in denial,if you hunt with a mag they are not a hunting bullet.
I think the problem is that the gun you are shooting is shooting faster then the bullet can handle, Because it handles great in most 30 caliber rifles, just not the cannons. The 7mm mag is a meat tenderizer anyway on those little lopes (hamberger maker) If there is anything left. lol
I personally saw a Nolser Ballisitc Tip blow up on the should of an antelope the bullet was shot out of a .270 so it is not just the Magnums.
Not just the mags but more likley with them,they are a worthless POS no matter how you look at it,they never should have been advertised as a hunting bullet.I shoot a Barnes tipped TSX,it doest "burgerize",if anything destroys meat its the Nosler S*&@tip,if you swear by the ballistic tip you obviously have alot ot learn about hunting bullets,do urself a a favor and swich to a real bullet before you loose game,for a few cents more a piece you can shoot a bullet that CANT explode,one that expands fully in 4" of animal and has a 99-100% weight retention,not to mention the ballistic grooves that reduce friction and increase MV,try em and you will never shoot the ST at Bg again.
Springville Shooter
I remember when I first started reloading only a decade or so ago there were far fewer bullets than there are today. Your main choices were the partition and ballistic tip, the sierra gameking, the barnes x bullet, the speer hot core, and the hornady interlock. There were lots of other bullets but nothing much better. At that time, it seemed that you had to choose between a bullet that flew well and a bullet that performed well. Often times, the Ballistic tip bullets were the most accurate and had the highest BC. My old 7mag shot partitions and bearclaws into an inch and a half while BT's printed into 3/4 in. For that reason I often chose them for long range work on small blacktail deer. I too had a mixture of success and failure with this bullet. In today's world, we have a plethora of great bullets available that are very accurate, have super high BC's, and preform well on game. Here is a list of the best bullets in my opinion; Barnes triple shock, Swift Scirocco, Nosler e-tip, Nosler Accubond, and Hornady interbond. Any of these projectiles are in my opinion 100 times better than any of the Ballistic tip style bullets of conventional design. Yes, the cost is more, but compared to the rest of your hunt, a bullet that costs a little more is probably money well spent. I would only use the Nosler Ballistic tip in calibers with a bore diameter to muzzle velocity ratio equal to or greater than the 308 win. and never at any time would I shoot them faster than 2700fps at game. That's my two cents worth. ----shooter
was it a hand load or factory :-k
I never said i swear by them I just said they have never failed me. I have taken over 1oo big game animals with a bt without anything other then a dead animals everytime, but maybe thats becuase I dont take crap shots, I only send it to the ribs I'm not into wasting good shoulder meat. any bullet will do the trick if the shooter knows what he is doing.
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Federal Premium Vital Shok factory load in my case. I do believe they would be fine at 7x57 or 7mm-08 velocity, but not at 3000 fps impact velocity at 75-80 yds in a 7mm mag. Maybe if the goat was at 300 yds and the bullet was traveling a lot slower it would have been fine.
Yep make sure not to waste that good shoulder meat on an antelope doe,you got er figured out keep it up! =D>
I was using the Hornady super shock tip, a balistic tip bullet, out of a .300 win and had good results with them. Whatever they hit they destroyed. Nothing walked away after being hit with these and they were extremely accurate. Due to the violent nature of the bullet and the path of destruction they left in the animals I swithed back to a barnes bullet so I could have some meat after the hunt was over.
I guess a majority of the guys here who shoot rifles with more downrange energy than yours are compensating?I guess because i prefer to shoot long range Im unethical?You can call everyone who has EXPERIENCE with the nature of your S-tip a liar if it makes you feel better,attack our caliber choice if you have to,whatever it takes to make the exploding "hunting" bullet OK.