Norther utah Mule Deer
2/16/09 8:00pm
Hello, has anyone hunted norther utah? I will be hunting the north east corner of utah this fall and am wondering what to expect as far as numbers and quality of deer?

2/17/09 12:21pm
if your gonna be in the north east part your gonna have to get pretty far from the road unless all you wanna get is a two point.

2/17/09 7:54pm
sorry i was backwards, we are going to be in the upper northwest just under idaho and near nevada

2/18/09 7:19am
oh alright i cant help ya then. sorry.

one hunting fool
2/19/09 3:23pm
if your talking about the grouse creek area then you are going to have a lot of competition. I have not seen any good deer come out of that area in years. to many other hunters to let good deer get big. IMO they need to put this unit in Limited Entry.

Wild Antlers
2/20/09 6:19pm
harvey i have hunted in this area and yes there is a lot of hunters but not many people get out of there vehicles , there are a lot of deer in that area but few nice ones ,good luck!!