Northern Idaho Info Needed?
7/1/11 9:24pm
I am looking for some basic basic info on northern idaho unit 4. I know there is an OTC tag for whitetail or mule deer, elk, bear both spring and fall. I think baiting is legal for bear in the spring. Is this a good area? I am planning on going on a whitetail/elk bowhunt. Are there alot of whitetail bucks? I know Unit 4 is alot of National Forest, are there any deer on private land using agriculture fields? Any info be awesome

Springville Shooter
7/1/11 9:57pm
Dont know that zone particularly, but anywhere in that northern area has plenty of whitetails. I've spent time around Dworshak, and a little south around Grangeville and Kooskia. Plenty of whiteys, not always easy to get one as they're a little crafty sometimes. If you are serious about whitetail, I would recommend getting the whitetail specific tag and hunting later during the rut.------SS

7/2/11 4:25pm
thanks! I will look into that whitetail only tag.