Northern utah needs to be friendlier to me! Any help?
10/6/10 2:45am
I had to settle for a Northern utah deer rifle tag due to my stupidity in not putting in for Southern Archery thinking I would buy a tag after the draw. Needless to say I was not happy! I am a meat hunter and don't care about the size of the antlers. I have put in some time trying to scout with my 1 and 2 year old in the jeep but have found most areas I think to hunt are private proterty. I am not planning on hunting with my two kids so I will be up for hiking around. Any help would be much appreciated!

10/17/10 2:54pm
bear lake east side there is a large section of land that is walk in access. tons of deer. you can stay with in about 300 yards of road and find their paths and they will come ealy morning best for the bucks have to be out before sunlight. evening they are not moving. just killed my doe out there and saw 7 small bucks that were not scared one bit.