Northslope, ALASKA
7/10/06 9:23pm
Currently working at the top of the world. Man, it's crazy to see the sun 24 hours a day!
It's a beautiful world up there. I think everyone should see it at least once, especially the tundra! You'll never again see so many caribou and ptarimigan in one place.
When you come out, if you drive, you should stop at Kulane (clu-wa-nee) Lake at "Sheep Mt". They now have a viewing center there with telescopes you can wahct the sheep. Or if you want, you can climb up with them. Kluane is in the Yukon.
Once I get back to my own computer, I'll post a couple photos from this past spring.
CoopersDesign, you mentioned a couple times that you got a new camera. What did you get? The biggest mistake I made when I lived up there was not having a good camera.
Keep the pics coming!!