Not a bird but still upland game.
9/1/06 11:24am
Last season we did a mess of cottontail hunting. The west desert seems to be ripe with them and I seriously reccomend that everyone tries this at least once. Makes a wonderful stew with taters, carrots, green beans, pepper salt and just a touch of sage.
It has become even more fun with a properly trained, and I stress PROPERLY, jack russell terrier on point. He can take Jack Rabbits at a full run. Fast little monster.
Been using my good old .22 and my shotgun with ultra light bird load or skeet load. Try it sometime.
As well, the pelts can be sewn together to make neat pillows." alt="" />[/img]
It has become even more fun with a properly trained, and I stress PROPERLY, jack russell terrier on point. He can take Jack Rabbits at a full run. Fast little monster.
Been using my good old .22 and my shotgun with ultra light bird load or skeet load. Try it sometime.
As well, the pelts can be sewn together to make neat pillows.

REALLY easy to make, simple saddle stictch.
Last time we went up during the season we got 23 jacks and 10 cottontails. Takes about 2 cotton tails to make a good meal but well worth it. Jacks have a better coat for thickness but cottontail are smoother. I would really like to head up north this year and take on the snowshoes but the west desert is much closer.
Cottontail = fun to hunt, good to eat, useful hides.
Andrew "Grayman" Nixon
Let's make some underwear out them there furry lil critters. :))
Now I'll have plenty of loin clothes to last me thourgh the whole year. :-k