Not today !!

I hope nobody started hunting today for Elk , The date in the proclamation shows the 31 of October but on the tags and the DWR web site , it is the 1st of November.

the proc. that i have says it starts the 1st!!!

must be a big mistake by the DWR
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"9er" wrote:Rob,

the proc. that i have says it starts the 1st!!!

must be a big mistake by the DWR
Cody , my son thought it started on the 31 , so i showed him my tag that showed it being the 1st . Some of the cutomers that came into the fly shop that Cody works at ( RoundRocks ) also thought it opened on the 31st and are already hunting .

if you look at the top of page 27 in the pink box , you right .

on the next page you see the 31st , I guess that why some people think it started to day !! :-k" alt="" />
huh, wonder if DWR knows!

makes ya wonder what would happen if someone shot one today and got caught!
Im betting they would nail him, as long as the season date is on the tag!

whats your thoughts?


I'm with you , I think the date on the tag is #1.

I would venture to guess that they would indeed get busted for it. On the Utah DWR webpage they list announcements for Proclamation errors. Below is the current list (You'll notice that they did indeed catch the error...I BOLDED and UNDERLINED the one in question):

Corrections to the proclamation

The corrections that appear below address errors in the printed proclamation. We have fixed these errors in the downloadable PDF proclamation.

Page 22: The preference point code in the third paragraph of the "Preference Points" box should read GDR, not DEE.

Page 27: References and exceptions related to the Plateau, Fishlake-Thousand Lake area were removed from Section XVIII.A(1)(b), General Archery Elk Hunt. This change allows hunters who obtain a general any bull elk permit may take one elk of hunter's choice on a general any bull elk unit, except on elk CWMUs; an antlerless elk or spike bull elk on a general spike bull elk unit, except CWMUs; or one elk of hunter's choice in the Wasatch Front and Uintah Basin extended archery areas during the specified season.

Page 28: The dates for the general season muzzleloader elk hunt should read November 1–9, not October 31–November 9.

Page 34: The preference point code in the "General Buck Deer Hunt Numbers" section should read GDR, not DEE.

thanks for finding that, i couldnt find where they listed the errors!


Also, I guess the confusion would come from exactly how you obtained the proclamation. If you downloaded via the net then you would get one with the corrections already made (They correct the electronic proc as errors are identified). If you are reading from a printed copy that you picked up at a local sporting goods store, magazine rack, etc then the corrections have not/cannot be made.
No problem my friend. The WA game department always makes it a point to tell you to check their website before hitting the field in case there have been changes made....I figured that most other states do the same so I check the Utah DWR page.