5/4/10 1:21pm
Fellow hunters, I know better than to ask about your favorite hunting spots but thought that some of you might share your knowledge on Mule Deer behavoir. I am hoping to draw a 3rd season tag this year and would like your advice on how to hunt should I get it. I think that Nov. 6-14 is a little early to hunt doe groups but wasn't sure. I have heard that the biggest bucks stay in the high country until the snow pushes them down just to have someone else tell me that instinct causes them to move down by that late in the year. Do I hunt up into the edge of the snow line, if there is any snow, get as high as i can get, check the high ground just up from where doe groups are hanging out or stick to the timber. Would love to hear your opinions. Thanks
So often during the first heavy snows the ground is still warm enough to melt it. Those South facing slopes will thaw bare spots quit fast especially with a little sunshine. While there is 2 ft of snow in the timber and North slopes.
I think there are plenty of areas that deer will stay put in higher elevations until the severe weather of Dec or Jan.