November brown trout

Here are some pics of today's brown trout hunt. I'm headed to this lake tomorrow. This is 4 of the 38 browns that were caught. The rest were released.

As you can see, the water is a bit low right now. This is another reason we're usually alone on the lakes we fish. Most people won't take the chance to launch in these conditions. When the ramp is out of the water, 99% of the crowd stays home. We're the 1%. And that's just the way we like it!
We're the 1%. And that's just the way we like it!
Yep, no kidding who wouldn't. :) Well apparently not to many.

Great pics, man those fish are awesome!
I'm hoping to bring home something for the wall this time out. I want a 10lb hookjaw to mount, but a fat 8lb would do too!

Scotty, the guy holding the larger browns, has probably released more 10lb browns than I'll ever catch! The guy has it down to an art.

That 1% comment is pretty accurate. Today there were 2 boats on that lake. Tomorrow and Sunday, probably 2 boats again. Mine and Tim's! It's on!
so whats it gonna cost me to tag along on one a these :-k You guys are awesome!! I can't believe the size of these trout!! keep the pics rollin in and remember, ya ever need a deck hand lemme know :thumb
you are my hero. :not-worthy lol

How about an elk hunt in Utah for a brown hunt in my area? Or short of that, just come up and we'll do some fishin'.

We hit it hard yesterday and today. However, the fishing was not very good. We caught 6 small browns over the weekend in my boat and my buddies caught 12.

We didn't get the storm we were supposed to get. It fizzled out on the west side of the mountains. Therefore, we had a full moon and ZERO wind. Neither are conducive to brown hunting and when combined the bite turns off!

Friday was the day to be there during the storm. I'll be back on the water in a couple of weeks.
Well unfortunately I don't know a thing about elk hunting here in utah on public lands, otherwise i'd be out after em every year.. if ya ever draw out a LE tag for anything though, then i'll be out scoutin for ya every day so lemme know.
We also chase these fish...

Pyramid Lake is home to the Lahonton Cutthroat. It's normal to catch 20 tor 30 of these a day. And 10 to 15 lb fish are not uncommon. Most are 3 to 5 lbs and there are size restrictions. Fish between 16 and 19" can be kept, fish between 19 and 24" must be released. The daily limit is 2 and only 1 can be over 24". This lake is on Indian land and they make the rules.

It's a dangerous lake with a major wind event being pretty common. I'll fish it when the waves are less than 3', but I try to be off the lake when the waves are 6' to 8'. And you can see it coming too! A huge dust cloud forms on the south east end and that's the cue to get off the water. Fast!
Man you have some great FISHING HOLES!

Never heard or or I'm not familiar with familiar a
Lahonton Cutthroat
, interesting.
i think im with hound_hunter i want to go fishing with
As you can see by the water behind my truck, no wind, no rain... and no fish! We're going to try again on Sunday.
Yep, looks like GLASS. Good waterskiing eh.
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Now those are some darn good fish!!! What were you using as bait??

Eastern NM hunter
Store bought Rapalas and Rebels, with a custom paint job...