November Elk Shed
11/11/06 9:46pm
I found this shed while I was helping cowslayer on his late season elk hunt. We had a nice bull bedded down and we were waiting to get a good look at some other bulls that had moved into the canyon we were in. While we were glassing the canyon with our binoculars I noticed what looked like the back forks on an elk antler lying in the oak brush 500 yards across the canyon from us. I confirmed it was an elk shed through the spotting scope and we went and picked it up a few hours later. I couldn't find the other side, but I can't wait to get back up there and hopefully find it!
Not only did you find a 6-point shed you found a BIG one. :)
How is the hunt coming along so far?
The hunt has been going well. Cowslayer hasn't pulled the trigger yet, but he has passed on some NICE bulls. I'm sure he will shoot a good one and post up a picture and the story when he gets it. Here are a couple more I hope I can find the match. I'm 6' 1" with my hunting boots on, so that should give you a good idea of how big this antler is.
Thanks for the update, good luck as the adventure continues and in finding the other side. What a pain it can be. :)
Is Paul with you guys filming also?