Now this is some CRAZY football...

:)) :))

Very cool stuff.
Very cool. Even better than the classic Cal-Stanford kick-return.

If it were division I-A they would be calling it the play of the century.
I don't even know what to say Brett - With no good NFL games on the tube right now this clip sure made up for it.. That was INSANE!! haha - what a game that would have been to be a part of, that's some fun football right there =D>
Quite frankly I enjoy watching division II and division III college football more than division I. Those kids play to play, most were not offered scholarships, and the VAST MAJORITY of them are not playing for future NFL contracts. Just plain football, hard hitting and pure.

They don't televise enough of thier games in my opinion.
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THat is way cool. I would have like to been part of that too
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Wow, that was awesome. Maybe my Niners should give that play a try, eh?
They don't televise enough of thier games in my opinion.
They don't televise them because the viewer numbers woould be in single digits, MOST TV stations want tp offer a product that they can make money off of. I will agree the Div II & III games are different than Div I, sort of in between juco and Div I. I love watching Div I football, I prefer it over the NFL.

15 laterals, amazing. I watched it several times on ESPN last night, the anouncer was more entertaining than the players, IMHO