NV & CA waterfowl opener

Duck and goose season opens tomorrow!

We're heading to a local duck hole here in NV for the morning hunt and then we're off to California for a couple of days of goose hunting.

I'll have some pics to share when we return...
cant wait!! good luck,hope you and your boys have a great time. and maybe-just maybe- you will get a nice piece of juelery [sp??] to bring home :thumb
I've been waterfowl hunting for 35 years and I have 1 band! That's it. One. Sorta pathetic, isn't it?
not pathetic at all, i think some people are "lucky" and others have none..........
i have a buddy who last year killed a total of MAYBE 50 birds---- 3 bands!!! un-freikin-believeable!
i do have 4 bands, 2 came from 1 bird, it had a regular band and a $100.00 money band [ which was void] it was pretty cool.
i do have a theory, for what it's worth,shoot your limit of hens if you want bands! every one of my bands have came from hen mallards. my theory is we all shoot as many drakes asa possible and so there are a lot less bands on the drakes. the hens- there will be a ton more out there still packin bands....... when they net the birds they band just as many drakes as hens. less hens are shot= more bands per bird------ i dont know, i just came up with this theory last month, but it makes sence. i think i will try and add my 2 hens this year to my limit, where as most years i would try for 7 drakes.

I will be waiting for some pics!!!!

gotta love going after the "honkers"

Just a quick teaser...

Three of us hunted ducks in NV in the AM and shot a total of 14 birds.

We're home for a few minutes to regroup, nap for a few and then go chase the geese in CA.

We'll be home about 8:30 or 9:00 tonight, then back after the geese tomorrow morning.

Pics to follow...
Sorry about the delay. It took me awhile to decompress and get things downloaded.

The goose hunt turned out to be a complete bust. The spot got hammered during the morning hunt and most of the geese left the valley. I didn't bother to hunt it Sunday. I'll be back after them Saturday though.

Here are the duck pics...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/DSC01943.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/tuck-1.jpg" alt="" />
Sorry to hear about that goose hunt. Those duck pics are sweet though, good job there! Im still waiting to go out, it sucks!

Keep at 'em, good luck Mark
Thanks for sharing and great pics!