NW Nebraska
Full Draw
9/22/10 9:08pm
Hey guys - I'm heading out to Northwest Nebraska this weekend for a 4-day bowhunt, man am I jacked up! I'll be hunting with an outfitter (I feel a little goofy about that - I'm a DIY kind of guy most of the time) and from our recent coversations it sounds like he's got a lot of deer. Hopefully we'll get some good opportunities and I'll have some good pictures next week at this time. Anyways, if anyone has any good tips for NW Nebraska let me know. Thanks!
Good luck, hope you smacked a big one.
C:\Documents and Settings\Hunter\My Documents\My Pictures\Gorwill's Muley Sept. 22nd, 2010
Well we got back from Nebraska last week. We didn't bring any antlers home, but I did enjoy the hunt as much as I could. That being said it was not a very good hunt from a hunting standpoint. We saw a lot of deer, but they were all onto the outfitter's set-ups and it was frustrating knowing how lazy he was with his set-ups.
In his defense I did get a pretty good opportunity on one good mule deer we saw stand up out of his bed and lay back down. I stalked to 40 yards and when I came up out of a creek bed he was already standing up looking at me. I quickly drew and shot but it went over his back, so that was my fault. Very cool experience though, you could never do that to the whitetails I hunt back here in IL.
The problem I have is that not one of us (group of 4 hunters) had a shot opportunity out of his stands (even though he advertises near 100% success - I should have known better). He sent me to a stand the 2nd morning that was about 12' up in a big dead cottonwood tree that had 2 x 4 steps going up to it, and the first step was head-high. When confronted about this stand his reponse was "oh it's safe, I was up in there last month". There is a lot more that I'll be posting in his outfitter review, I'm just waiting to see his response to my issues I've had with him to see how he resolves them.
But the country was very cool, we got to stalk a box canyon during mid-day one afternoon and saw some elk in there. Those things are huge! I like the open-ness to the country and it's crazy how all of a sudden they will be 10 deer in a spot you were just looking at and you have no clue how they showed up there! I'd like to hunt an area like this with someone who knows how to hunt it and actually knows how the deer are using the land. This trip wasn't very successful but I think I'll be hunting in this region again sometime, just not with this outfitter!