Off with his head!
10/12/05 12:04am
I saw an interesting and bit disturbing thing the other day. I was driving with a friend to a painting project that we were starting in the hills east of Park City UT when I noticed a dead buck on the side of the road. It was a fresh road kill since it wasn't there the evening before.
It was a nice buck, only four total points but a big bodied deer. And actually one of the points looked like it had broken off on impact. As we passed it again in the afternoon on the way home I said to my friend "I bet his head will be gone tomorrow." He just laughed.
Well, the next morning as we drove passed the deer sure enough his head was gone. I've seen this before with other animals, the one before this was a spike elk that was killed on the road. His head lasted only a day as well.
Why would someone want the heads of these animals and take the time at night to pull off the highway to cut them off? They were'nt exactly trophy's. Would DWR or some other state agency take only the heads and not the whole carcass? Am I missing something?
Anyway, this is a great site and I just wanted to get some imput. Thanks!
Only two weeks to go....
It was a nice buck, only four total points but a big bodied deer. And actually one of the points looked like it had broken off on impact. As we passed it again in the afternoon on the way home I said to my friend "I bet his head will be gone tomorrow." He just laughed.
Well, the next morning as we drove passed the deer sure enough his head was gone. I've seen this before with other animals, the one before this was a spike elk that was killed on the road. His head lasted only a day as well.
Why would someone want the heads of these animals and take the time at night to pull off the highway to cut them off? They were'nt exactly trophy's. Would DWR or some other state agency take only the heads and not the whole carcass? Am I missing something?
Anyway, this is a great site and I just wanted to get some imput. Thanks!
Only two weeks to go....
Anyone ever called first to ask, or would they just take them. Probably the latter, and what about the meat.
In Alaska they have a list of people to call for road-kill, and you go get the animal and use the meat. How come we don't use that system?