http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o275/TheGreatWhiteHunter77/news04.jpg" alt="" />

By Mike Moore

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:18 AM CST
Circleville, Ohio - Rob McCarley is no stranger to seeing - and ultimately shooting - big deer in Ohio's woods.

But the buck the Circleville farmer scored on Dec. 8 was not just another big deer.

This one, a big 17-point nontypical taken on private land in southern Franklin County, green scored at 220.

It was McCarley's seventh buck that will qualify for the Buckeye Big Buck Club, which for inclusion requires a minimum of 160 inches for nontypical deer. Three of those bucks scored at 185 or better, and all of them were killed with a bow. Maybe even more remarkable is that all seven of these deer were killed within a 20-mile radius of metropolitan Columbus.

McCarley, 47, shot the 220-class buck, his biggest to date, on Dec. 8, the Monday following gun season. The story of the hunt is not a long, drawn out affair, to be sure.

"From when I saw this deer to the time I shot it was about two minutes," he said. "It was one of those things where from the time I saw him come into the woods, saw he was a shooter and let the arrow go it was about two minutes total. That's probably a good thing, I guess, because it didn't give me time to get nervous."

McCarley hadn't been in his tree stand long before the big buck approached from the backside, walking within 20 yards of McCarley's position.

"He was looking, and he could tell there was something wrong," McCarley said. "So, that's when I shot him."

McCarley, using a compound bow, shot the bruiser in the neck, not the most ideal of locations but the buck was looking straight at him when McCarley took the chance.

The tougher part, however, was in the track. It took McCarley three hours to trail and eventually find the deer.

It was a perfect day for hunting, McCarley reasoned, given that a fresh blanket of snow had fallen during the weekend. Warmer temperatures on Dec. 8, though, meant there was still some snow on the ground, but also places where melting snow had left bare spots on the landscape. It made for a tough track with little blood for McCarley to follow.

"He was bleeding, but he was just dripping blood, not pouring it out," McCarley said. "In the snow, I could follow his trail, but in the spots where the snow was melting I would lose him again. Eventually, I lost (the trail) altogether, so I just started making circles."

The buck, it turned out, had traveled about 500 yards after the shot.

"The entry wound was up high and there wasn't no exit wound because I shot straight onto him," McCarley said. "There wasn't any real hole for the blood to come out. But, as soon as he laid down he just poured it out in buckets. I think he had bled on the inside the whole time he was running around."

When McCarley finally did locate the deer, the find was impressive. The main beams are 8 inches in circumference where they come out of the buck's head, and he said it's impossible to completely wrap a hand around the area where the brow tines meet the main beams.

"And it holds a lot of that on some of those other circumference measures, so that's what will help him score so good," McCarley said.

McCarley, who said all of his bigger deer have been killed in either Franklin or Pickaway counties, continues to be impressed by the quality of the state's bucks.

"Every year, you hear about more and more big deer being killed," he said. "Ten years ago, you hardly ever heard about a 200-inch deer being killed, but now there's a half dozen a year."

The first person McCarley called was a buddy from his days at Grove City High School, Mark Hemming, who now happens to be the district manager for the Division of Wildlife in southeast Ohio.

"That evening, (McCarley) called me at home; it was about 9:30 or 10,"_Hemming said. "I said 'did you kill a big one, did you?' And he said 'Oh, yeah.' He wouldn't have called me that late otherwise."

So, why is it that more often than not McCarley seems to find himself in the company of large bucks?

"He spends a lot of time scouting," Hemming guessed. "He's a full-time farmer and he sees a lot of acreage ... In combine time, he gets to observe a lot of wildlife."

In their younger years, Hemming and McCarley spent a lot of time trapping together. When Hemming was manager of Cooper Hollow Wildlife Area several years ago he was there when McCarley shot his first turkey.

"There's just a lot of firsts with us," Hemming said. "I was the best man in his wedding and he actually waited until trapping season (closed) that year and he got married the day after."


An Ohio hunter who reported he had killed a nontypical buck green scoring 220 inches in the wild and with a bow has been cited by the Ohio Division of Wildlife for providing false information to a check station.

The Ohio DOW originally reported to media outlets that the huge buck, taken by Rob McCarley of Circleville, Ohio, on December 8 had been killed in Franklin County with a bow on open lands as reported to them by McCarley. It was said that McCarley has killed seven deer that would qualify for the state’s Buckeye Big Buck Club, two of which exceeded 185 inches, not counting the reported buck.

On Monday, Vicki Ervin, communications manager for the DOW, clarified the earlier report through an email that stated the deer was taken legally, but not in Franklin County, not in the wild and not with a bow. McCarley allegedly took the deer on a pay-to-hunt preserve.

“It was reported to state wildlife officers that McCarley paid $12,500 and shot the deer with a rifle,” Ervin writes. Misreporting such information is a crime. Ervin said McCarley has been cited for providing false information to a check station and attempting to pass off the buck as killed in the wild with a bow. The citation was filed in Circleville Municipal Court.
There seems to be no end to what some people will do to try to impress others.

This quote was by his wife after what she thought was a legit killed deer by her husband

The deer featured in the Sunday dispatch was shot by my husband, Rob McCarley. He only hunts with a bow. It is a compound bow. The deer was green scored at 220 and age was estimated at 7. This will be his 7th deer in Ohio Big Bucks and the third to score over 185. He puts in the time....AND is very selective. I am SOOOOO proud of him.

Here is the link to the site were most of this info surfaced

http://www.ohiosportsman.com/forum/show ... hp?t=24871
he sure looks like a dumb a$# now...
Another lazy Wanna B,at least be honest about your "hunting",if you are too lazy to hunt and pay so that you dont have to they should have a special book for your "trophys",The Lazy SOB record book,this buck and the spider bull can be the new record animals killed this year.
Its too bad. Your starting to hear of this type of thing more and more. Kind of like the selway bitteroot bull elk. I think there should be a requirement for high fence shooting areas to provide annual prehunt photos to each states division of wildlife resources for each animal they house. Then a separte report should be filed for each animal taken. Sooner or later some cheater will pass off thier story (lie) and make the record books. Who's to say it hasn't already happened multiple times. I personally could take no pride in a lie like that. It would eat at me and definite wouldn't be worth the mental conflict. Here's to keeping hunting honest.
Nice buck thats for sure, but what a d-bag. they should take that deer and mount it right outside of his house so he has to look at it every day and cant do nothin about it being there
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This doesn't suprise me.....Look at how white the antlers are.....Very unusual with truly wild deer, especially that late in the year....Next time you watch a TV show that has a bunch of big bucks with unusually light colored antlers...check out the source and you will probably find it a high fence area...Head gear on bucks raised in captivity normally do not darken as much after shedding, unlike the deer in the wild....I can only speculate something is missing in their diet or enviroment that wild deer have....Or possibly it is due to some additive or supplement given to them that normal deer don't get......Whatever the reason it has made me watch for this while viewing hunting shows and I scratch them and their sponsors off my to-do lists....If it is not fair chase it is not for me....

Dumb,da Dumb, da Dumb!!
I was lookin in an older outdoor magazine today and noticed a question in it that fits this. the question was one where you get on the website and post your answer and they tally em up and yada yada, so the question said Do you think home fed/grown deer should be allowed to be scored and put in the record books?

what do you guys think?
"camodup" wrote:I was lookin in an older outdoor magazine today and noticed a question in it that fits this. the question was one where you get on the website and post your answer and they tally em up and yada yada, so the question said Do you think home fed/grown deer should be allowed to be scored and put in the record books?

what do you guys think?
That's a big NO for me. If you can't use steriods to win your olympic competition, why should steriod fed animals be allowed in the books? Besides there is no sport in high fence hunting. The books are for free rangeing fair chase animals.
camodup wrote:
I was lookin in an older outdoor magazine today and noticed a question in it that fits this. the question was one where you get on the website and post your answer and they tally em up and yada yada, so the question said Do you think home fed/grown deer should be allowed to be scored and put in the record books?

what do you guys think?
:>/ :>/ :>/


And they already have a book that accepts stuff like this SCI.

Boone and crocket and P & Y don't good for them.
Do you think home fed/grown deer that are staked out,and followed by 10 guys, should be allowed to be scored and put in the record books?

sorry,couldn't help myself.......
I agree with yall on that. i mean its awesome to see a big buck, but its another thing to see a big buck in the wild! Theres nothing better than seeing a 200 inch muley out there 300 yards away, and then put the scope on it. but lookin at a big deer every day and then one day saying ok well im gonna shoot ya know, thats kinda lame and very very lazy and unsportsman like. i think i the guy shoulda just kept the damn thing, keep gettin its killer sheds every year and when it finally just kills over then mount the damn thing. but thats just my opinion
i hope for the article it was above 95% a big NO!!
to me it isn't even that neat to see a 200" + buck or even a 500" selway bull [ or so they tried to say...] it is in no way more impressive then say a 6 foot wide texas long horn. i watched a show a while back where the guy killed a 400+ bull with a bow. it wasn't til 1/2 way through when i realized it was a high fence. when his stalk ended up in a pasture with 3- 400 + bulls together and they literally walked , slighty bent over[ i mean very slightly] to get to 35 yrds and kill the bull. what the burn is that???? not hunting IMO.... :>/
No different than paying 20 guys to keep track of a critter til you get around to shooting it IMO. =;
Do you think home fed/grown deer that are staked out,and followed by 10 guys, should be allowed to be scored and put in the record books?

sorry,couldn't help myself.......
Rick no I dont agree with that either as we discussed yesterday at Denver Sportsmans expo

But I dont make rules so.......
NO, and I'll go one further. I don't think tags auctioned off by the various states that allow rich guys to hunt out of season should not be allowed entry into the record books either!! :>/
I don't think tags auctioned off by the various states that allow rich guys to hunt out of season should not be allowed entry into the record books either!! :>/
In total agreement on that...
I agree with that too! Let the ones of us who work to get our game have a chance in the records too!
Out of season and/or with a weapon that the common man cant use in that area... =D>
There is a big difference in some one who puts in the effort time and money and hunts in a regulated season and weapon for such season and takes a Record book animal.

VS someone who pays large amounts of money to buy a special tag with special privledges to be able to hunt animals with a rifle at a vulnerable time to the animal such as some one who kills a elk with a rifle during bow season or a Monster Mule deer in January.
I'm glad this guy was caught. It's likely all his record book kills were taken within the same high fence. I hope that there aren't to many more in the record books that were taken this way.
Wow, a $12,500.00 idiot! Why (???)
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Vanity of vanities... all is vanity.
"NONYA" wrote:Another lazy Wanna B,at least be honest about your "hunting",if you are too lazy to hunt and pay so that you dont have to they should have a special book for your "trophys",The Lazy SOB record book,this buck and the spider bull can be the new record animals killed this year.
I like that and completely agree we need a DIY record book and a LSOB record book because to me if you didnt find it yourself in the wild, its not your trophy.
It seems lately that people are willing to do just about anything to make them self look like big time buck whackers. Killing stuff in a high fence preserve and trying to pass it off as fair chase to try to get it in the books, to buying antlers and claiming to have killed the deer themselves.

Why? :-k How can someone be proud of crap like this