Okay, here's another guess thread
12/22/06 10:12pm
This one may be a bit tougher. I will tell you the inside spread on this buck I arrowed a few years back is 16.5".

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/551/medium/04_16_0.JPEG " alt="" />
One more questions while I swallow my pride and make a WILD guess at this pig....
1) Are ya askin' for the non-typical score? (I am ASSUMING you are. Tryin' to figure out the typical frame score and all the wild deductions would fry my feable mind...LOL)
I was gonna "throw" out a "guess" on this in an attempt to make myself look smarter than I am (Not TOO hard to do) but decided to see how close the others come without "cheatin'".
Therefore, I will defer to the others and let them take a crack at it.
(For the record, my guess would surely have been within a few 8ths of the actual score. And, if ya believe that I have a certain bridge to sell ya!)
Good rack to make you think.
I'll guess 195 3/8........ :-k
Like I stated earlier, I remembered seeing this brute SOMEWHERE before when it dawned on me "Roy posted this pig a couple years back in the photo section". I remembered that it scored in the high 190's net (Couldn't remember the exact numbers at the time). Since I already had a "head start" I let the others take a crack at it...not that I would have done any better than anyone else...LOL