Old Bow or New Bow

I have A Proline bow that my dad bought in 96 he gave it to me in 97 same year I jioned the Corp so i Have not shot it that much from bouncing from here to thier. its in good shape But my Question is am i missing out Not having One of these new super fast bows> plus any recomendations on a new bow wold be great
Proline made some quality bows in that era (Point Blank) and many archers still shoot them. I would say the changes that have occurred since then have been the single cam craze (not necessary to have) and the limb pocket/dampner craze (you can buy limb savers on your current bow for quiet).

Sooooo, buying the newest gadget bow is NOT mandatory to have a good hunt with quality equipment. My primary compound bow is a Hoyt Aspen that's probably 5 years old. I've refused to get something new since the Aspen shoots so well. Of course that Hoyt ProTec looks really nice and shoots great! 8-[ Hope it helps and good luck this year.

BOHNTR )))----------------->