Old Newspaper article
10/4/07 8:45pm
I had an older gentleman come into work today who used to do a lot of hunting and he brought me this article of a deer his cousin killed in the 40's. I think it was printed sometime in the late 80's. I don't know if you can read the text or not because the article was pretty old and my scanner is not the best. It claims it was killed in 1942 in southern Utah. It weighed 312 lbs dressed. It had a 49 inch spread and it says the rack was 3 feet tall with 15 points on one side and 12 on the other. I don't think it was ever scored but I could be completely wrong. Maybe some of you southern Utah natives might know the family. It says the hunter was Milton Hunt. I probably would have passed it up opening day but maybe I would settle for it on the last day of the hunt. :)
That is SIMPLY amazing!! 10sign: 10sign:
What a monster.
( good luck on the rifle hunt)
My dad, who was great friends with Milton Hunt, has another picture of the buck with Milton, I will see if I can get it scanned an put on here. It was a sad day in Southern Utah when this buck, that was killed around Pine Valley Mountain, was transported to Montana.