Old Newspaper article

I had an older gentleman come into work today who used to do a lot of hunting and he brought me this article of a deer his cousin killed in the 40's. I think it was printed sometime in the late 80's. I don't know if you can read the text or not because the article was pretty old and my scanner is not the best. It claims it was killed in 1942 in southern Utah. It weighed 312 lbs dressed. It had a 49 inch spread and it says the rack was 3 feet tall with 15 points on one side and 12 on the other. I don't think it was ever scored but I could be completely wrong. Maybe some of you southern Utah natives might know the family. It says the hunter was Milton Hunt. I probably would have passed it up opening day but maybe I would settle for it on the last day of the hunt. :)
Now that is a MONSTER buck!!!!!
That is an awesome buck. Any idea where it is now?
WOW!! Don't know the name myself, although there are plenty of 'Hunts' around here.

That is SIMPLY amazing!! 10sign: 10sign:
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Double-u oh double-u!! WOW. What a buck, I'm not sure I could shoot it, I can't even imagine the shock of just seein that buck. That is a toad.
i know some hunts up here in Vernal. Dont know if they could be related of not
that buck is in the utahs biggest bucks book in the outstanding trouphys. the buck would be # 1 or 2 in the state but the skull plate was broken!
i thought we all agreed on not posting any more elk on the mule deer forum.
Wow. That is a toad. I think all my shells would be on the ground and not in the gun if i was to see something that big.
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Same with me DeadI
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Thanks SF88!! I knew someone would know something about this buck and what's up with it. You guys are the best.
If you look real close you can see that he is just holding some shed antlers up with the rack. :))

What a monster.
If you look real close you can see that he is just holding some shed antlers up with the rack.
Good one, Good one. :))
Wow that is huge my wifes grandpa killed a cactus buck way back when that has 13 on one side and 11 on the other
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There is a guy we know that was present, when the deer was shot.The story that we were told is that the buck was hung in a cabin in southern utah. After the guy that shot it passed on, he left the buck to the guy we know, somebody had got to the deer before him. Last we heard it was hanging in Dillon Montana, either in a museum, or a private collection. My brother took the measurements off of the picture based on the guys hands and size, and did a reproduction of the deer.....Ill see if I can get a picture of the reproduction and post it...Its an amazing deer........
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Hey, I am with you i would have past it up the first day but for sure would have shot it the last lol. That is a great Buck!!!!!!!


( good luck on the rifle hunt)
if anyone on here knows lynn hunt give him a call and ask him about this buck he might know
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I saw this Buck hanging in Milton Hunt's house when he was in his 70's. The picture does not do it justice. A group of sportsman in Southern utah actually tried to purchase the set from him for $50,000 in the 1980's and he refused. Upon his death, his wife was approached by a man from Montana, who offered her $10,000 for the set, and she sold it immediately (within days after his death).

My dad, who was great friends with Milton Hunt, has another picture of the buck with Milton, I will see if I can get it scanned an put on here. It was a sad day in Southern Utah when this buck, that was killed around Pine Valley Mountain, was transported to Montana.
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Milton Hunt's buck is the best looking mule deer ever. Its frame is huge, incredible mass and a pure giant. Score doesn't do the deer justice as his qualities exceed all other deer. Of course this is just my opinion. It would be interesting to stop hunting Pine Valley for 15 years and see what it grows again.
Buck Fever
Holy Smokes!!!