old school ?
1/22/07 4:14pm
How many of you hunters have scopes on your rifles?
next rifle i get i'm keepin just iron sights to have some fun with and test my skill with some rabbits and yotes
but for big game hunting.. I like the scope
Below is a picture I posted earlier of my nephew with his Idaho whitetail he got this past Thanksgiving weekend. He dropped it on the run with his open site 30-30...awesome shot!
The last glass I purchased was for my Savage 12FLV in .308win. It's been modified slightly, with a Choate stock and a few other goodies. I saved for nearly a year to purchase a Leupold 6.5-20x50 LR/T with varmint reticle. Next to NightForce, it's the clearest scope I've found.
hase crown land
I do have a cross hair scope on my rifle and my muzz.
But while we're on it....everything i own has one.
Matter of fact, i'm headed to Cabela's tonight to get one for my new muzzle loader :thumb