Old time hunters and a mystery device
10/16/07 9:22pm
Came across this old cabin while hunting along the edge of a wilderness area this evening

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1oldhunters2.jpg " alt="" />
On the way out I took a closer look and found this board on the corner of the cabin next to the old hitchin rail with hunters names,days hunted and game taken and dates back as far as 1917,I almost left my own but decided this was a piece of history that I didnt want to alter,maybe if I kill something up there worth writing about i will some day.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1oldhunters.jpg " alt="" />
Up on a high ridge far from and road I found this "device" nailed to a tree,my best guess is that it was part of a deadfall trigger but Im only guessing,any ideas?

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1oldhunters3.jpg " alt="" />

On the way out I took a closer look and found this board on the corner of the cabin next to the old hitchin rail with hunters names,days hunted and game taken and dates back as far as 1917,I almost left my own but decided this was a piece of history that I didnt want to alter,maybe if I kill something up there worth writing about i will some day.

Up on a high ridge far from and road I found this "device" nailed to a tree,my best guess is that it was part of a deadfall trigger but Im only guessing,any ideas?

As for the strange device, I have no idea. Good guess though.
as for the thing nailed to the tree, I'd be surprized if it had anything to do with a dead fall. they are too simple to make on site and would cost the trapper nothing.
Is there an eyelet on the top of it, I cann't really tell by the pic.
then he looked at if for awhile and said it's a bottle opener! Favorite tree to sit under after a hard day hunting