Old trophy bull.
8/11/07 1:08pm
Was at my wifes grandpas house this last weekend, and got some photos of his bull he shot around indian peaks about 40 years ago. I don't know what it scores, I really need to take a tape down there and try and tape it out. He has it hanging under a carport out back of hishouse. The single antler I think was picked up a long long time ago, and the funky deer I have no Idea.
He turns 90 this month, and it is interesting hearing him talk about the way they hunted back then.
Just so you know comparrison if you want to try and figure a score for the bull, his eye gaurds (the only thing i could reach while standing on the ground) are aprox. 15" long.
He turns 90 this month, and it is interesting hearing him talk about the way they hunted back then.
Just so you know comparrison if you want to try and figure a score for the bull, his eye gaurds (the only thing i could reach while standing on the ground) are aprox. 15" long.
And by the way, What the heck is that thing on the bottom??? That is a strange rack.
Category: Typical American Elk
Minimum Scores: Awards 360
All-time 375
Number of Points: 12
Greatest Spread: 42 inches
Total Deductions: 0 inches
Final Score: 352
????? I don't know but he looks better than 320 to me, especially after looking at the side view.
I really like that little 4 point mulie rack from area 51 in Nevada. He must have been the pilot of one of those alien aircrafts!
That was funny right there. Thanks for the replys. Someday I would like to pull it down and take some measurements. Need to have someone show me how to measure and then I think i will score it.