One last Try

After a good deer hunt, i still havent notched my tag for idaho, im thinking of trying the late 55 archery hunt! has anyone done this before?

also, if any of you other members want to come, lets try and get something planned and go chase some muleys around with our bows!

What are the season dates and what days were you thinking you might want to go up for? I'd be interested in seriously considering it if that makes any sense :-k . I'll have to do some research on the unit, where it's at, and what the success rate is tomorrow when i've got a little more time and brain power. If you beat me to it though shoot me a PM or something if you've ever been up there before or have heard from any buddies about it. I'd probably be willing to make the trip with decent possibilities at 23" 4X4's or better (roughly - as you may be able to tell, I really am not too picky on size, unless i'm in a unit where big bucks are a possibility). If I have time to go up there that is 4c .

If not, then good luck! And keep us posted.
I have hunted 55 during the late archery. It was a lot of fun. I wouldn't say we saw a lot of deer but it was nice to see some new country for a change. City of Rocks was pretty cool.

Also, there's nothing like tent camping in the freezing cold during December while packing archery gear. Oh, you can keep your skills up at hunting with the thousands of jack rabbits in the area too. We had more fun letting fur fly with judo tips. Good times.
so did you or anyone in your party fill your tags? Got some pics of the area at all or what kinds of deer you saw? Was it worth beating the bitter cold & do you think you'll ever do the hunt again?

Thanks for the info!
sent ya both pm's
