One of my son's many talents

He got this from his mother not me . She plays the Violin, piano , mandolin . guitar and just about anything with strings or keys. He wrote this piece him self .

He just bought a new Yamaha , his 4th new bass in the last year. :-k

Does anyone else play ??
Nice, VERY nice!! He has MAD skills, pretty cool. I don't play, got a brother that plays guitar pretty well.

Your son play with a band? He should, that is good stuff.
I'm pretty good on the kazoo. Other than that I'd playing the spoons is next. I'll have to listen when I get the chance, can't view youtube on these gov't compooters.
In my mind I just knew that I was born the play a guitar. When I finaly got one it didn't sound like it should and my hands didn't move like they were supposed to. Go figure. At least it didn't take me long to come to the truth so I traded my guitar for a nice Leupold scope for my gun and things have worked out much better.
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Amazing!! Your kid definitely has tons of talent.
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My oldest son JASON , plays the electric guitar also very well . They have a friend who is 13 who can play anything , but played the drums with my boys . I thought i wanted to play also , but my 50 year old mind just does not seem to think fast enough. :>/ My boys make it look so easy. :thumb

Here is playing a piece two years ago , when he was 6 inches shorter . :-k
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Man... I watched all the videos he had on youtube He is a great musician! Pass along my compliments. =D>
that is cool =D>