One smart kid

My 16 year old daughter just scored a 35 on her ACT test.
Two perfect scores on science and reading. A 35 in English and a 34 on the math but we all know how bad girls are at math. jk
Although she's already taking AP calc. in school.
We are very proud of her hard work.
Looks like the scholarship offers should be rolling in.
She definitely got her brains from her mothers genes. :))
Wow impressive score for sure, awesome!
That's awesome Ridge. Congrats.

My 6-year-old said something smart the other day. He said to his mom "You should stop yelling at me. You should yell at heavenly father because he's the one that made me". Smart because it got my wife laughing instead of yelling.
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Wow, that's awesome. I was lucked into a good ACT score too and it has helped tremendously going through school, scholarships etc, and hers is quite a bit higher than mine, congrats to her.
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That is an awesome score! 6 points better than mine! Your daughter probably will have her choice of college!