Opening Day Success?!

Well I thought I would start this post this year, I blew my chance this weekend so I don't have any pictures...maybe next weekend! Post the pictures of your 2010 Archery Success!
No pictures for me. But I have a cousing that had one of the Premium Nebo tags. Shot his bull at 7pm last night. Said it scored 342. If I get permision to post a pic I will.

Another cousin shot a 4X5 buck yesterday. Have not see the pics yet.
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Had huge succes gents. Picked a buck out opening morning and stayed high on the ridge till he bedded down. Given it took him till almost 11 to bed down. The wind was perfect and it could not of been any better of a spot for him to bed down. My little brother and I managed to get within 28 yards of him and let the arrows fly. It took us a bit to find him but once we did my jaw hit the ground. I knew that we had a good buck that morning that we was following but i did not know that we had a 27 inch straight 4 with 3 inch eye guards with tons of mass that would go in the 170 -180 range. What a hunt a day i will never forget. Im tryin to get pics to my email so i can post them up so i will be workin on it for you guys.
Would love to see your buck Sniper. My cousin and I went after a Monster 190 class 8x4. No success, we will be back to find him again.

Sounds AWESOME look forward to the pics, and DeadI get us some pics also. :)
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Guys sorry im workin on the pics. I got them on my email but they are sent from a cell phone because well i hate to admit but i forgot the camera in the truck. Anyway im alittle computer illiterate so im not sure how to re size and i cant get the computer here at work to upload them. any help?
"Sniper1" wrote:Guys sorry im workin on the pics. I got them on my email but they are sent from a cell phone because well i hate to admit but i forgot the camera in the truck. Anyway im alittle computer illiterate so im not sure how to re size and i cant get the computer here at work to upload them. any help?
Right click the picture and select "Open with".
From the menue that opens up, select "Paint"
The picture will open and will be huge.
At the top left you see "Image", click that and choose "Stretdh, skew"
The two windows that have numbers, usually 100, change them both to 25, and click OK.
The picture that was way big is now manageable. Then click "File", then "Save as" and give it a name in the folder you want to save it in. If I'm using the pic to post on various web sites, I will save it to "My PIctures".

Hop that helps :)
well i didnt make it out opening weekend due to a sisters birthday (yes my priorities are a lil scewed....) but my first day out i could have stuck my knife into a small spike bull, it was a mile and half hike down and he only had one horn 1.5:1 thats a no in my rule book. plus i knew there was big 5 in the canyon but couldnt find him till the very end of the season and blew it.. luckily i have extended!