Oregon Draw Odds

I'm looking for non resident draw odds in Oregon. The fish and wildlife site either have them buried or they don't exist. Does anyone have information about getting drawn for Rifle Mule Deer in the Burns area? I think it's "Silvies Unit 172"

i can get you what the draw odds were last year but the new book for this year hasn't came out yet, let me hunt up my % tags book for last year and i'll get back to you. but as soon as the new ones come out for this year i'll get an update for ya.
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Depends on how many points you have. If you are non res or a resident, you have about a 50% chance with 2 points, and 100% with 3 or more. Hope this helps.

Here is the link to the page: http://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/hunting/big_game/controlled_hunts/

Click on Preference Point Summary near the top.

::wel to MuleyMadness, thanks for link! :thumb
Thank You!
i just got my new % tags book so i can give you an update: i'm assuming for non-res right?
for the rifle tag you have the same odds as a resident, they give 972 tags, 0 points =7% chance,1=7%,2=40%,and 3 points= 100% chance.
for the late season muzzleloader you would be in just a non-res group: they give 55 tags to non-res , with 2 points you have a 46% chance of drawing and with 3 points you have a 100% chance.
hope that helps, this book is usually right on the money, but the way the draw is set up anyone can draw without any points, i drew a buck tag a few yrs ago that takes 12 points to draw and lucky me drew it with 0 points :))
Thanks again Killerbee, this is great information. Do you know if you can buy a preference point without applying for a tag?
yes you can, if your applying for a deer tag the hunt series would the 100 series, then the unit number follows. so say you applied for that silies tag the hunt # you would apply for would be # 172 [ 1- meaning buck deer, and 72 meaning the silveis tag] but if you want just a point you would apply for hunt # 199
1 - would mean deer and the 99 is a points saver. hope that makes sence. if you wanted an elk point you would appy for # 299, a doe # 699, antelope # 499. so the 99 part of it means your just going to get your point and cannot draw a tag.

what i'm not sure of, and i will find out, is if you still have to buy your hunting licence to do that. i think you do but i will double check
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whats so good bout burns?