Oregon Hunting

Hello everyone I just signed up as a new member. I hope to give and get a lot of advice from this website and forum. I am an avid mule deer junkey from Oregon. Just found out that I drew a Beatys Butte (unit 70) deer and antelope tag. Has anyone hunted this unit or have any pointers? If anyone has any questions about hunting in Oregon I will try my best to answer them. Look forward to talking with everyone. - Leo
::wel LEO!
i'm from central oregon, nice to have another oregonian on board.
as far as beattys butte, that is one unit i've never spent anytime in,at all.
sorry,i'm of no help. but good luck to you this fall and make sure to check back in to tell us how it went :thumb
hopefully another member can help you out
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::wel like killer said, nice to have another oregonian here. I've never hunted that unit either. i usally hunt ne oregon
Oregon has yet to draw my name for a tag.......but welcome to the board!
BOHNTR, if you dont mind saying, what do you apply for in oregon? whats known as are best archery hunt in the state i got lucky and drew a few yrs ago---with 0 points, man i sure hope i didn't use all my luck up lol , but if i did, that was a dang good hunt!
I've put in for Hart Mt. mule deer........yet to draw.
have you ever looked into se metolius? it is 100% the best buck hunt in this state, but points wise will take a little longer to draw. but i dont think you'd regret it.
I'm glad this post sparked some conversations. Here are my trophies from Oregon last year...If I attached the pictures correctly. -Leo
Dont know much about the metolious, I do know that some monsters come out of Hart mountain being that is is a refuge. Trout Creeks is an awesome buck hunt, very tough to draw with a rifle, but can draw it every year with a traditional bow. -Leo
oh leo, you dirty dog =D> you drew your sheep tag, man i have 18+ yrs invested and no luck :>/ congrats on a fine ram!
I don't know much about the Metolious unit........I've been to Hart Mt a few times looking around. Even with the low numbers now-a-days, I've seen some smokers there. It's also a conducive hunt for a bow and arrow guy like me. AWESOME antelope as well. How many points is it taking for Metolious......is it a good archery hunt as well?
Well I'm really gonna make you mad when I tell you that it was the first time that I ever put in for my sheep tag. And the only reason I put in for it was because it looked like I was gonna draw my deer tag for that unit (wich I did) and that same unit just so happened to have a sheep hunt in it. So I figured what the heck and put in for both.
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You lucky dog :not-worthy . those are some nice trophys
Well I'm really gonna make you mad when I tell you that it was the first time that I ever put in for my sheep tag. And the only reason I put in for it was because it looked like I was gonna draw my deer tag for that unit (wich I did) and that same unit just so happened to have a sheep hunt in it. So I figured what the heck and put in for both.
That's awesome........and a nice ram at that!
Thank you. It was the hunt of a lifetime. Got to watch em knock heads a bunch. He scored 162" and was 9 years old
"Leo" wrote:Thank you. It was the hunt of a lifetime. Got to watch em knock heads a bunch. He scored 162" and was 9 years old
Excellent Ram. :thumb
LEO , again you lucky dog, first time? funny, i almost think you have a better chance of drawing a tag your first 3 yrs than you do the rest of your life. [ thats not how the draw works] but i hear more people drawing their 1st,2nd,3rd yr than any other applicants..

BOHNTR: just start doing some research on the unit, by no means do i want to mess up a plan of yours, but i think once you look into it you'll see, if your going to wait for the tag, it might as well be that one. and i will glady share my info, after all, i have a VERY long time to wait before i could draw it again
Leo those are some great trophies!!! 10sign: Thanks for sharing and welcome.
I have been hunting Beattys Butte for over 30 years. No tags this year. What part of the unit are you planning on? The same for deer and antelope? What unit was your sheep in? Good luck on your hunts. Let me know if I can help you out.
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Leo- What antelope tag do you have-rifle/archery or muzzleloader? I drew 3 years ago for the E Beatty's Butte muzzleloader tag. I killed a nice buck but they were few and far between after the rifle hunt. We found more rib cages and hides in the desert then we did bucks to hunt. If I we didn't find that buck to hunt it would have been a rough hunt-even rougher if we had more then one tag to fill. Not what I expected. I'll PM you an area to scout. If you have the rifle tag it should be a good place to look for a good buck.
Southendguy: I sent you a private message with a few questions. - Leo
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You must have been the one up there writing "Shear the Sheep" all over the place #-o

No, not me. But the guy with his 15 buddies that did got one even bigger than mine.
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I run around down there at least every other year tossing lumber at those bucks. Last year my dad and I both got our antelope and rifle buck tags. Did talk to a couple of groups, but don't recall running into you. From you pics I can tell we were awful dang close to each other. Actually, my buck might have come from the same flat as yours :-$

Wife also had the sheep tag down there about 7 years ago....now just waiting for mine.

Congrats on last year's take, and good luck on those upcoming.

"BOHNTR" wrote:I don't know much about the Metolious unit........I've been to Hart Mt a few times looking around. Even with the low numbers now-a-days, I've seen some smokers there. It's also a conducive hunt for a bow and arrow guy like me. AWESOME antelope as well. How many points is it taking for Metolious......is it a good archery hunt as well?
i just noticed that i didn't even answer the question ](*,) ](*,)

this year it took 12 points to draw the tag 100%
11 points gave you a 23% chance of drawing.

as far as being a good archery hunt, it is awsome! dates are nov 1 - 30
they give 20 tags the harvest data i have shows from 2004-07 it was a 62% success and 63% of those were 4 pt or better.

in comparison to the hart mt- dates are aug 5 - 13
7 points is 100% chance of drawing
25% success and 52% of those were 4 point or better.

200" + have been killed on the metolius
i chased a 190"+ buck my whole hunt, seen i buck that was better than 200", but only 1 time and he stayed on private land that morning.
i hunted that buck until the very last day of my hunt, and on the last day i filled my tag on a 25" 160" 4x4.
a friend of a friend killed a buck out there 5 or so yrs ago that was 215"+/-
great hunt and perfect for archery
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dude, what unit did that ram come from?....awsome :thumb