oregon silvies unit deer hunting
4/12/09 4:10pm
Can someone give me some guidance for some good spots for deer in the silvies unit. I have been in the unit for elk but not deer. Anyone have any luck or experience up in the snow mountain region for deer. I am not asking for your honey hole but some guidance so I can bring a montstrous deer home for my 12 yr old son who needs a little motivation.. thanks Blake ](*,)
I think the post above about roller coaster numbers is accurate. The new burn should help but I think from what I saw a few years back the numbers are on the low end of the coaster ride but hopefully trending up over the next few years with the additional feed provided by the burn.
Good luck I hope this helps.
Oh forgot to mention there is a TON of access by road and I think this makes it difficult to get away from other hunters.