oregon silvies unit deer hunting

Can someone give me some guidance for some good spots for deer in the silvies unit. I have been in the unit for elk but not deer. Anyone have any luck or experience up in the snow mountain region for deer. I am not asking for your honey hole but some guidance so I can bring a montstrous deer home for my 12 yr old son who needs a little motivation.. thanks Blake ](*,)
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I've hunted the Egypt Canyon area, and took a nice 3 point in the general area around (N43.66570 W119.44870). Hope this helps.
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thanks for the information. i am very new to the area but I am willing to walk the hard miles to find a nice buck. Anyone who has any other ideas please feel free to speak up. Thanks again, Hopefully I can post another sucessful mark for some guidance this year.
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My family hunted silvies for over 65 years. The deer population is kind of like a roller coaster. We have harvested severl 25" + deer over the years. This next year the burn area will be a great hunting spot.
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Bow hunted there and hunted elk both rifle and bow. On our bowhunt 10 years or so back we saw alot of bucks and a couple of nice bucks but no big ones. On our first rifle elk hunt there about 7 years ago we were there in the deer rut and saw a few good bucks and one slammer. On our last trip there about 4 years ago we saw so few deer it shocked me and it was late November so we should have seen more deer.

I think the post above about roller coaster numbers is accurate. The new burn should help but I think from what I saw a few years back the numbers are on the low end of the coaster ride but hopefully trending up over the next few years with the additional feed provided by the burn.

Good luck I hope this helps.

Oh forgot to mention there is a TON of access by road and I think this makes it difficult to get away from other hunters.

Springville Shooter
+1, hunted a few times years ago and saw a good number of small bucks with people EVERYWHERE. Hard to get away from them even if you try. In my opinion, Oregon has better hunts that aren't alot harder to draw. Might be worth the wait to get something like a Juniper, Wagontire, Warner, Beatys Butte, or Whitehorse tag where I think you would have a better shot at losing the crowd and finding a nice buck. I think that the South Warners is an under-rated tag and I have killed a couple 24-26" bucks there like this nice 4 point that I killed about 1 mile into a road-closed area. If your willing to burn the boot leather, there are some very good hike-in bucks in the interstate unit as well.--------SS
Warner buck
Warner buck