Oregon Weneha Unit, Rifle or Bow

Just thought I would try to get some feedback as to what seems to be the best route to go with this hunt. I now have 12pts and know that it might be a couple more yrs before I draw this tag. However, I am trying to decide if I want to rifle hunt it or archery hunt it. Any feedback would be appreciated
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i think AKA "killerbee" would be the person to ask....
i wish i had that problem. it depends on if you have a good backup plan or not. what i mean is are you happy not drawing your first choice and just going on general hunts or are you chomping at the bit to draw a good tag?

IMO you have AT LEAST 5 yrs before you will draw the rifle tag once you take into account the point creep. so if you wanting to hunt soon, which still might be a yr or 2 away, go archery. but alot of guys , when it comes to probably their only shot at one of the better units, want to have to best odds of finishing once they draw. then you wait for the rifle tag.
but if you, like me, enjoy the basic every year bowhunt and have some sucsess doing it, it really dont matter how long it takes because you have good elk hunting each yr.

deffinatly a personal choice.

my thoughts are, you are still longer away than you think for a rifle tag, if you have some good experiance in archery hunting go archery. with the wolves getting more populated every year, you dont know what that unit will be like in 5 yrs. also , dont get caught up in just the"wenaha" unit. you could draw the walla walla tag, mill creek water shed, or mt. emily sooner and there are alot of guys who think some of those are better than the wenaha right now.
feel free to p.m. me if i can help any more. but i get busy and some times it takes a week to get back, but i will get back to! :thumb
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Thanks for your feedback Killerbee. It will defenitly be a tuff decision. I do know that I have awhile before I will draw this tag, I just want to gather as much info as I can before I do. I have heard good stuff about the other units that you mentioned as well. I have some cousins that have done very well in the Walla Walla over the yrs. I think that it will be tough to pass up a month of archery hunting in a unti where elk still act like elk and respond to calls. However, I do enjoy taking game with a rifle too. Either way, when the time comes, I think I will enjoy the draw, which ever way I decide to go.....Thanks again!!