OTC Mule deer tags?
2/10/10 7:20am
So is there any state offering OTC or have many leftover tags after all the drawing periods? say this summer. The only states that I can see where I can go and just buy a tag would be WA and ID and leftover in UT.
Quite a few of the left over deer tags are private land only. Becareful with what you purchase off of the website. In addition the left over tags do not become available until some time in Augaust I think.
also usaully northern deer rifle tags are left also ... just remember these are general season so there will be a lot of people hunting also.
Wyoming always has a whole bunch of areas with leftover licenses. You can wait until July and watch for the list, or if want, you can look over draw odds and pick a place now and start researching. There are lots of choices.
looking at just applying in WY for either Y or R, has the rugged, timbered terrain I am looking for and areas that are not over run with roads. A key I think in holding some decent bucks