Our 2007 Colorado Pronghorn hunt.

The GreatWhiteHunter, CowgirlinCO and I had a great time hunting pronghorns in Colorado. Here's some photos of our hunt...I'll try to post the story of the hunts later.
good looking goats!

that one you shot is a good looking buck!!!

A couple great lookin' goats hiker!! Man, your daughter is turning into quite the hunter, isn't she?

CONGRATS to the both of ya!
Very nice! Great job to all of you. :thumb

That is a very pretty buck took, sweet heart shape and BIG.
Here's a couple more... Thanks guys! Hawk, Yes she is......what a trooper.
Man, those are a couple GREAT bucks!

ya know, after my deployment is over (Aug08) I may look into spending a few bucks and going on an out-of-state Pronghorn hunt!
"AGCHAWK" wrote:Man, those are a couple GREAT bucks!

ya know, after my deployment is over (Aug08) I may look into spending a few bucks and going on an out-of-state Pronghorn hunt!
Hawk, Let me know when you want to plan a hunt and I'll try to assist you anyway I can. I have a pretty good understanding of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana draw systems and I'd be glad to help......as you know....you are always welcome to my camp. Thanks HAWK for laying it all on the line for us.....you and Abert are very much appreciated by us on here, as well as all of our soldiers who are serving or who have already served our great country.
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Well said Hiker and congrats to you, your daughter and the great white on your goats...

Good luck the rest of the year and thanks to Aghawk and all our troops serving our country...we wish them the very best luck of all..We will continue to pray for you...

I was wondering when we were going to hear from you with some goat stories. Great job! That is a nice wide goat you got there Hiker. And, I always enjoy seeing COcowgirl in the mix.

I need to chat with you one of these days. I am researching another goat zone in Wyoming and want to see if you know anything about it.
Jeff Thanks for posting the pics it was alot fun hunting speed goats with you. Looking forward to next year already.
sure looks like you did good my cuz just killed on in utah a couple of weeks ago. congrats. :thumb
good job guys
Jeff, thanks a bunch my friend! I'll keep it in mind.

I am still in the "pre-planning" stages here but I want to do an out-of-state Elk, Mule Deer or Pronghorn hunt when I get back. I've already cleared it with my wife so I'm cool there. (Or a combo of two of them)
Problem: I doubt I'll be able to put in for any draws so anything I do will have to be over-the-counter. Additionally, it will have to be DIY since cash is always an issue when ya have 5 kids.

Once I decide on what I want to do I'll contact ya. Thanks for the offer...very cool!

CONGRATS again to you, your daughter, and GreatWhite on some fine bucks!
Cowgirl In CO
Thanks everyone! We had so much fun and made memories for a lifetime. There is nothing more special than keeping hunting in our heritage and sharing the sport for our future generations.

I have really enjoyed hunting goats and hope to get many more in the future. :thumb
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Nice Hiker!! Looks like a great time.
Heads or Tails
Congrats on the goats!! Hope to have a tag in the couple of years myself.
Here's the long over do story.....After Jessica killed her buck, I didn't find a shooter buck, the weather turned to rain and snow, the roads became grease pits and I didn't have the right sized tire chains, so we went home. I talked to Scott and he was heading up the next weekend to hunt so we talked to Colorado Willie and camped with him. Scott and I decided to hunt together for speedgoats. We glassed a few goats but didn't see any shooters so we went over to another area where I saw one big toad from the previous week but he was no where to be found. We headed to Craig for lunch at the Golden Calvey, they have good chow if you're ever in the area. After lunch we went back to see if we could find a shooter. I saw a nice buck on private ground and decided to give him a shot, maybe he'll cross the fence and I could get a crack at him. I crawled and slid to within 511 yards of a smaller buck, that was looking right at me. I laid low for a while until he went back to feeding and then got up and started glassing. I could see a bigger buck behind him but without the providence of God, I had no chance of them coming across the fence and to within a reasonable range of 300 yards or so. After 30 minutes or so, I see the smaller buck headed right towards me. I try not to move but decide I had better get my rifle into position, just in case they cross the fence. Sure enough, the smaller buck crosses the fence 40-50 yards away from and continues right passed me. I wait until he is beyond me before I look back to see if the other one is coming.....sure enough here he comes.....Thank you Lord, I said out loud. He crosses the fence, I'm locked on him with my crosshairs waiting for him to stop.....but he doesn't and keeps walking.....I whistle....he keeps walking, now he's almost behind me.......he ignores my whistles.....so I shoot and he doesn't react.....surely my .300 Win. Mag. found it's mark......but he keeps walking.......I slowly spin around and he finally stops, Boom....with another round and he collaspses. I gather my things up and head over......I look him over, sure enough, both shots were double lungers, all I can figure is the nosler partitions didn't expand. I called Scott on my cell and within a few minutes I see him on the skyline. He comes over, we Thank God for giving us this buck. I gut him out, we load him up and then we head out looking for Scott a buck.
Very cool, Jeff! Sometimes a little luck is all it takes!

Again, sweet lookin' goat too!
Nice goats! I like the wide one alot.