Our 2007 Colorado Pronghorn hunt.
10/29/07 4:42pm
The GreatWhiteHunter, CowgirlinCO and I had a great time hunting pronghorns in Colorado. Here's some photos of our hunt...I'll try to post the story of the hunts later.
that one you shot is a good looking buck!!!
CONGRATS to the both of ya!
That is a very pretty buck took, sweet heart shape and BIG.
ya know, after my deployment is over (Aug08) I may look into spending a few bucks and going on an out-of-state Pronghorn hunt!
Good luck the rest of the year and thanks to Aghawk and all our troops serving our country...we wish them the very best luck of all..We will continue to pray for you...
I need to chat with you one of these days. I am researching another goat zone in Wyoming and want to see if you know anything about it.
I am still in the "pre-planning" stages here but I want to do an out-of-state Elk, Mule Deer or Pronghorn hunt when I get back. I've already cleared it with my wife so I'm cool there. (Or a combo of two of them)
Problem: I doubt I'll be able to put in for any draws so anything I do will have to be over-the-counter. Additionally, it will have to be DIY since cash is always an issue when ya have 5 kids.
Once I decide on what I want to do I'll contact ya. Thanks for the offer...very cool!
CONGRATS again to you, your daughter, and GreatWhite on some fine bucks!
I have really enjoyed hunting goats and hope to get many more in the future. :thumb
Again, sweet lookin' goat too!