Our first Kentucky Whitetail.
12/31/12 12:02pm
The boys killed our first Kentucky Whitetail. This farm has a lot of feed but very little cover for whitetails so we see very few. We were thankful that this buck showed himself opening day.
What about other areas? is there other places you can hunt or is it all private around you?
Congrats to the boys on putting some meat in the freezer.
We relocated this August. It's much better to raise cattle and farm here. That high Desert was rough with the price of hay and feeding 5 months per year. Colorado has changed a lot since you left. Taxes, Libs and antis are controlling most things now a days. I nicknamed it Eastern California. I guess I could have sold my cattle off and started growing pot instead of alfalfa...and done pretty good....LOL! Can you believe they made recreational pot legal?
Believe it or not, with the way the state is and no indication of it turning around, I am also looking at WY. Problem is, I can't think of a better location than the Lake George/Florissant area. I've always loved that area and it is so close to great fishing, hunting, hiking, offroading, skiing, etc.
I'm am torn but think, maybe in some small way, if I do move back I can help to put the state back on the right track and possibly "persuade" a few of the Kaliforny folks to move elsewhere...
Anyway, in the end I guess it doesn't mater where you live as long as e have are family around us and can make a living.