Our opening weekend
11/26/10 7:08pm
Micelle has always wanted to kill a fox, but she is never with me when we call one in. Well it was the day before deer season and my buddy Randy came out to hunt predators. Michelle was supposed to go, but something came up and she couldn’t. I told her we were sure to call in a fox I just had a feeling. AS we set up to make the first calling I told Randy I had a fox feeling. Well you guessed it 3.5 minutes in Randy shot a fox! We set up to make another stand a 1/4 mile away and I told Randy if we called another we should leave it for Michelle to kill later on. Well at the 5 minute mark we had another fox standing 15 yards from us staring at the Firestorm. We let it go after filming it. We made a dry stand and met Michelle to finish the day. We made another dry stand, were going to the next stand and I spotted a good buck right were I shot my buck last year. He didn’t hang around long. We called at the last stand till we couldn’t see anymore. We had gotten up to leave and I spotted something. It was a bobcat! Michelle grabbed her 7mm mag instead of the .243 and made the only shot she had, a head shot! Let me tell you it wasn’t pretty! Be sure and follow the link to see how deer season started the next morning.

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_randy_fox_11-5-10.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_michelle_bobcat_11-5-10.jpg " alt="" />
Well you ever have one of those days that nothing seems to be going right and then you have one of the best hunts ever? That was today opening day of Texas deer season. We stayed out late hunting predators and got to bed around 2 am. When I got up the temps were in the low 30’s, Michelle has been fighting a nasty cold and decided not to take a chance of getting really sick. So I headed out. I was going to park on a long power line watching the crossing where I shot my buck last year and where I saw the buck yesterday. I was just going to wait till good light and then ease around and do some rattling. Well I turned the truck a little sooner than usual and hit high center! There was no getting it of the hump without someone to pull me. I thought , well I was going to watch this spot anyway. So I stayed put. I saw a few does, but not much else. I called my buddy who I knew should be heading towards town and he was close by where I was. As I was giving his wife directions, I saw a buck cross where the does had crossed. I thought I better get a better look so I told her to hang on. It was a buck I had passed on last year hoping he would be bigger this year. I told my friend I’d call her back. I had to run down the hill and across the creek to get a 150 yard shot. I rested the Icon on huge pile of rocks and took the only shot I was going to get with weeds as tall as they were. I made a good neck shot and down he went. He’s not the biggest buck in the world, but he has character.

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_my_2010_buck_front_1.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_my_2010_buck_side_1.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_my_2010_buck_front_2.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_My_2010_buck_side_2.jpg " alt="" />

Well you ever have one of those days that nothing seems to be going right and then you have one of the best hunts ever? That was today opening day of Texas deer season. We stayed out late hunting predators and got to bed around 2 am. When I got up the temps were in the low 30’s, Michelle has been fighting a nasty cold and decided not to take a chance of getting really sick. So I headed out. I was going to park on a long power line watching the crossing where I shot my buck last year and where I saw the buck yesterday. I was just going to wait till good light and then ease around and do some rattling. Well I turned the truck a little sooner than usual and hit high center! There was no getting it of the hump without someone to pull me. I thought , well I was going to watch this spot anyway. So I stayed put. I saw a few does, but not much else. I called my buddy who I knew should be heading towards town and he was close by where I was. As I was giving his wife directions, I saw a buck cross where the does had crossed. I thought I better get a better look so I told her to hang on. It was a buck I had passed on last year hoping he would be bigger this year. I told my friend I’d call her back. I had to run down the hill and across the creek to get a 150 yard shot. I rested the Icon on huge pile of rocks and took the only shot I was going to get with weeds as tall as they were. I made a good neck shot and down he went. He’s not the biggest buck in the world, but he has character.

HOWEVER, that Whitetail is AWESOME! I am absolutely a freak about non-typicals and that buck is certainly one of a kind! I love the way he crowns.
I rarely scout ahead of time for a particular buck, I know my areas and know where the bucks are. So why disturb them before season. Well back in June I discovered a 7 buck bachelor group. As they grew there were 3 non typicals and 4 nice typical bucks. One buck stood out among the crowd. He was wide and heavy with little clusters at the tip of each tine. He wasn't the best scoring buck in the group but I wanted him bad. When the bucks shed velvet they split up and I lost track of most of them. The one Michelle killed last week was one of the group. The one I wanted I only saw at night except a fleeting glimpse once during the day. Well November the 19th I hunted early morning and saw a few bucks, but not the one! I had a terrible headache all day while I worked {nasty word I know}. I smashed my shooting hand and it was huge and green! My headache never went away so at 3pm I headed back out and tried to catch a nap, but the deer kept me awake! The last 30 minutes of light I got restless and started walking towards a creek crossing. I spotted my buck with a doe near a rock pile, he spooked and ran through an open gate to the next pasture. He stopped looked back, all I had was a neck shot and I missed! Yep it's true,I'm blaming it on the swollen hand couldn't have been anything else! He just stood there for a second till I reloaded then he ran to a cedar thicket and stopped to look for his doe. BIG MISTAKE! I don't miss twice! I shot, he ran then crashed. After the ordeal with Michelle's buck last week, I waited an hour before looking for him. He only made it about 40 yards and piled up. He was everything I thought he was, I know he doesn't score very well but he was too unique to pass up.
He is 21 1/2 inches inside spread, he is a basic eight with several tiny points. Oh and he has a 27 1/2 inch neck!!!
I am far from a biologist major but I would assume that these two bucks are related. Although non-typical formations can come about due to injury, disease, malnutrition, etc I would also assume that it can also be passed from generation to generation. I know that formation itself can (basic semetry, potential for width, mass, and small abnormalities such as kickers, devil points, etc) so why can't full on malformation?
In any case, WAY TO GO!! A big non-typical has always been a dream of mine and maybe one day I'll get lucky and get one in my sites. In the meantime I guess I'll continue to take the typicals and leave the unique bucks to the others...LOL