over-the-counter archery elk hunting

I am interested in getting into the DIY hunting for elk and wondering if anybody knows of any good areas that offer over-the-counter licenses for elk (bulls or either-sex) or require very few preference points to get drawn yet have a reasonable elk population and/or harvest success as well as having sufficient public land to access. I'm not really looking for specific areas, just GMUs or whatever a particular state calls it. I will be doing my first DIY elk hunt in Colorado next year and would like to continue each year, so any state would be of interest to me.
Does anybody know any good areas for Roosevelt Elk?
My suggestion would be to learn that Colorado area the best you can and continue to go back several years in a row. The better you know the area, the higher your chance of success. In my opinion, an OK area that you know really well is better than a great area you know little about.
The Ox
i believe colorado is your best bet. go to the colorado dow site it has plenty of info about all the units if ya dig a little
dreaming big
IDhunter could not have said it better, there is a ok unit here in Utah i have been hunting for years, and i know all the nooks and crannies, we have very good success in the unit once we realized how to work the area. I have drawn a couple tags lately in good units that i dont know and its very intimidating and much harder to hunt out of your comfort zone.
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Oregon is mostly over the counter elk for archery. we have quit a few great areas to hunt elk, the coast on the west side is great, the elk there are rosevelt (sp) elk. little bigger than rocky mt elk. then in the NE part of the state there is great hunting. the elk over there are rocky mt elk. the season is august 29 thru sept 27
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Colorado has the biggest population of elk of any state. Go to www.wildlife.state.us and go to big game hunting and read the statistics. Lots of public land too. The only problem with colorado is that most spots are crowded unless of course the terrain is rugged and you can't drive an ATV there. Then you'll find elk. Usually when the OTC seasons open the elk will move to the large ranches or "hellholes" to escape the blaze orange hordes.