Over the counter deer tags-western states?

Hey boys,
New to the forum and I love it so far! Im up in Alaska as a fishing guide in the summers and I am dying for hunting season to get around. Im from northern Idaho and didn't draw any tags this year. My buddy and I will be coming home with a few bucks from the summer and are trying to plan a general season deer/elk/both hunt. We would like to stick to Idaho, but Im up for other OTC tags for different states that will produce. I have hunted northern idaho, which is too brushy so the glassing is very limited. I have hunted unit 76 a lot in SE ID but with all the traffic and low buck-doe ratio, you just don't see very many nice bucks. We both archery hunt but usually don't get back till late sept so we miss most of that. Any advice for a good ID, CO, WY, MT, UT- OTC tags (in a unit that will still have a few nice bucks, or any bulls in it) would be appreciated.
Thanks alot,
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There is usually lots of extra non resident tags for that state that boarders you. MT usually has lots of leftover tags for deer over the counter and even elk. You will just have to check on the elk hunting areas in the regs and see if a person needs to have a special permit in that area or not. Public lands can really distribute some nice animals. Good luck

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Northen idaho should have some good deer and elk OTC tags. How far north are you? Unit 10 and 12 are good units and there still tags for that zone. Deer and elk are both open at the same time.
Springville Shooter
Idaho is where I always go when I lose my butt in the draws. I saw the biggest buck that I've ever seen while hunting in a OTC Idaho zone. All Idaho zones have nice bucks, but you usually have to walk a LONG way in tough country to find them. Have fun and take pics-------SS
CA has some otc tags left for D7 and there are some very nice bucks in that zone but no elk :thumb
You can forget about OTC deer tags in CO. The state did away with them a few years back.

However, tomorrow they will be offering leftover tags in various units throughout the state. Kind of short notice, I know, but maybe still a chance if you really want to hunt CO. Bad thing is I believe you have to purchase them in a DOW office, though I could be mistaken.
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"BIG R" wrote:CA has some otc tags left for D7 and there are some very nice bucks in that zone but no elk :thumb
CA- D-3-5 if you want to hunt road hunters :>/ ](*,) . I stopped hunting CA a few years ago but the last time I went man it was bad ](*,)
Springville Shooter
Laugh at me if you want, but I say the B zone in California has more B&C bucks in it than any other game management zone in the US. And you can buy 2 tags otc any time you want. I can even put you within a mile of a B&C buck, but I have still never killed one. Seen one killed by a friend I was with though.----------SS
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SS I agree there are some very good bucks in CA and good zones, but there are a lot of people also.
"I can even put you within a mile of a B&C buck"(SS).
So I’ll be out in Sacramento visiting my parents and friends during hunting season. Where in B zone do I need to go?
Your not going to find any over the counter bull elk, buck antelope or antlered deer tags for Non residents in Montana. Some antlerless Antelope, White Tail and antler less elk.