Over the counter elk tag

I was going to buy an over the counter tag tomorow and was wondering if anyone had some advice they would be willing to share i have never shot a bull and im not to worried right now for a big one but i would like to at least see some unlike my previous years i have not decided to buy a spike tag or a anybull tag it all depends on what my odds are and where i should go i have seen some up around smith and morehouse when i was deer hunting and than last year i seen some but they are way high and theres not a good way to get to them so any advice would help thanks M7MM
I don't think you are going to get anyone to give you the zip code of there favorite hunting ground, but there are a lot of things you can do to improve your odds of see or even being successful. Start by pulling out some maps and decide were you want to hunt, then focus on that area, Make a few trips in at first daylight glassing high and low, talk to ranchers, DWR, Campers. Do your home work and you will be successful!!

Good luck