P&Y changes 65% let-off rule

Here's the news release from their web page:

Changes to Records Program - % Let-off Rule

In an effort to "resolve" a very hotly debated and divisive issue, the Pope and Young Club's Board of Directors has been developing a possible compromise solution to the ongoing debate over the Club's well-known 65% let-off limit on compound bows.

A solution was finally adopted by the Board and forwarded to the Club's Regular Members and Senior Members (voting members) for a vote on a change to the Club's By-laws. That vote concluded on Friday, November 14th, and the ballots have been tallied. By a vote of 294-148, the membership passed the motion.


The proposal called for a change to the Records Program, whereby the Club would begin accepting entries harvested by compound bows that have let-off greater than 65% (provided they are legal, in the state/province where used, AND meet the Club's remaining definition of a hunting bow). Any record book entry with a compound bow exceeding 65% in let-off will be listed with an asterisk (*) in the Records and in the record books.

The proposal also called for the production of a periodic, specialty book that would contain only animals harvested with "traditional" bows (recurve bows, longbows and self bows), in addition to them being listed in the all-time record books.


Effective January 1, 2004, the Club will begin accepting entries taken with compound bows that have let-off greater than 65%.

This change is retroactive, meaning that animals harvested in the past can now be submitted for possible acceptance into the Records.

The 65% value remains an important numerical "line," as any entry taken with a compound bow having percent let-off greater than that will be listed with an asterisk. The Club's definition of let-off remains the same and is an important consideration when accurately completing the entry materials. The Club's definition matches the A.M.O. standard method of measuring let-off. It differs from the now-popular advertising definition of let-off, referred to as "effective" let-off. This is a point all bowhunters need to be aware of---when completing the "Hunt Information Form" on the Fair Chase Affidavit, you need to list the A.M.O. standard let-off for animals taken with a compound bow.

A "traditional-only" record book is intended to be published in 2007, with subsequent editions published on a six-year cycle. Those entries will remain in the all-time record books, as has always been the case. The next all-time record book (which has been, and will continue to be, published on a six-year cycle) is due out in the spring of 2005. The deadline for that book, the 6th Edition of "Bowhunting Big Game Records of North America," is 12/31/04.