P.E.T.A - Are you kidding me!?

PETA Proposes Excise Tax on Meat
PETA wants you to pay ten cent tax on meat
June 4, 2007 (National)

Are you a meat and potatoes kind of guy? If you like a good burger and fries, or fried chicken and biscuits, animal activists think you ought to pay more for your meal.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has kicked off a new “Tax Meat” Campaign, proposing a $.10 per pound excise tax to be paid on meat, the same way that gasoline, tobacco, and alcohol taxes are paid so that tax is calculated into the retail price.

PETA suggests that money raised by its “Tax Meat” scheme could be “put into health education and preventative medicine.” Translation – the money could be used to advocate vegetarian and vegan diets and promote the animal rights movement.

Animal activists have also asked federal lawmakers to give tax breaks to those who have sworn off the consumption of animals.

On May 30, PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk sent letters to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nanci Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging them to extend vegetarians the tax breaks that hybrid car owners receive for purchasing vehicles with low carbon emissions. She claims vegetarians are responsible for fewer greenhouse-gas emissions and environmental degradations than meat-eaters.
These folks are a bunch of wackos!
:222 PETA :arrow

I can't write what I'm thinking.
(@@) to PETA for SURE!!
since how most of them are a bunch of pot-smoking hippies, i think contribute to alot of " greenhouse gasses" in the air. what a bunch of idiots! i'll stop now cause the very bad cursing that i'm thinking about writeing would just have to get deleted anyway.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
There are politicians and media that really dive into this stuff. -#-
The Ox
](*,) <----- thats me right now! these people are nuts i wish i could get inside there head for just 10 seconds id get them to jump off a bridge. they are like zombies they just walk around mumbling stupid things that make no sense
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PETA is just one example of what's wrong with the world today. I'm a member of a different PETA group - People Eating Tasty Animals!!!!!!!!!!!
I think they ought to tax vegtables. Farmers plowing up great habitat taking away grazing lands from our wildlife to support there Veggie addiction. Are these people from Mars? They just don't get it. :>/
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"The Ox" wrote:](*,) <----- that's me right now! these people are nuts i wish i could get inside there head for just 10 seconds id get them to jump off a bridge. they are like zombies they just walk around mumbling stupid things that make no sense

If you could get in side of thier heads , there would be plenty of room !!

You have to watch this again !! Every time i do I laugh so hard !! :)) :))

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Now that was good.
That's pretty funny! :)) :))
That may be the funniest thing I have ever watched. :))

Veggies are NOT food, they are what food eats!

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I always thought PETA stood for "people eating tasty animals"! =D>
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Yes they may be crazy, but keep an eye on them and the other anti-hunting groups. They have money and political connections, and along with other organizations could cause seriouse problems for us hunters the future if we don't keep up on their agendas. But PETA is definitly over the top.
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Of course meat and dairy should carry a tax just like any other junk food or product that promotes carcinogenic consumption. And vegans do actually lower their personal pollution by at least 1-1/2 tons of CO2 per year. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what's wrong with that. I think the only reason behind this argument is that you feel that it will emasculate you. You want macho? Try testing your wills and reduce animal and human exploitation.
"kyle" wrote:Of course meat and dairy should carry a tax just like any other junk food or product that promotes carcinogenic consumption. And vegans do actually lower their personal pollution by at least 1-1/2 tons of CO2 per year. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what's wrong with that. I think the only reason behind this argument is that you feel that it will emasculate you. You want macho? Try testing your wills and reduce animal and human exploitation.
Wow! the sad thing is a lot of people think like you.
Of course meat and dairy should carry a tax just like any other junk food
Are you serious? junk food?
Kyle your not one of these yuppies are ya? cause if you are im pretty sure your not gonna fit in well here. dont come in here and stir the ####. not a very good way to use your first post. maybe i just got a wrong first impression of you and if i did. forgive me.
"kyle" wrote:Of course meat and dairy should carry a tax just like any other junk food or product that promotes carcinogenic consumption. And vegans do actually lower their personal pollution by at least 1-1/2 tons of CO2 per year. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what's wrong with that. I think the only reason behind this argument is that you feel that it will emasculate you. You want macho? Try testing your wills and reduce animal and human exploitation.
what the %$#^ is that crap???? :222 :222 :222 i bet any one on here would gladly like to see you truly test YOUR will, try joining one of us on the mountain someday. i would gladly take you on a nature hike to see how MACHO you were.. it would be alright with me to never hear of you again. :>/ :>/ [ this joker must be from california] { oohps, sorry bhontr :)) }
"killerbee" wrote: [ this joker must be from california] { oohps, sorry bhontr :)) }

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Hey guys,

I was just trolling around. I know you all get a lot of enjoyment out of shooting creatures and I don't have a right to tell you otherwise because it's hard for people like you to learn... It's not gonna further my cause. No I'm not a yuppy but yes I am from California and I am very proud about that. But you should know that most people in California don't feel the same way I do. It's a pure coincidence.

To the guy who stated I may feel different if I went on a nature hike in the mountains with him... Well nature includes the animals, of course. Why kill that beauty? Anyway enjoy, I know what I say is a waste of breath to most ignorant Americans.
why kill that beauty? cause it tastes good kyle :)
Kyle, Welcome to MuleyMadness.

Here's something that the media won't share with you.

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"Hiker" wrote:Kyle, Welcome to MuleyMadness.

Here's something that the media won't share with you.

I completely agree with that link. I can't be sure that global warming is happening from a human standpoint. From my education, I think that the Earth goes through a cycle of cooling and warming periods, so it may be just a natural cycle. Either way, I am trying my best in minimizing my personal ecological "footprint" on the world without commiting suicide (which I'm sure many of you wish I would do.)

Thank you for your link! =D>
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hey whats wrong with peta im life member People Eating Tasty Animals !!!!! hehe honestly screw peta