Pahvant bull

Hi All, The word going around Fillmore tonight is that the dude that mossback and crew was guiding finally got an arrow in the Bennett Bull.
The skuttle butt is that it scores 444. Must be a nice bull.
I kind of have mixed feelings about the whole thing. It's cool if a guy can find a way to get rich hunting or helping others to hunt. But on the other hand it hardly seems fair to the others who are out trying to DIY either by choise or because that is their only choise.
We've also heard stories of slashed tires on other hunters trucks and blocked roads, and other archers being told to get off the mountain because this bull was spoken for.
A lot of that might just be sour grapes but I'm sure some of it has happened.
444 would be great, but this way seems too much like a high fence "hunt"
done is someone's pasture.
444 holy crap!!!!

I need a pic fix. Quick.
WOW, that sounds simply TOO BIG! UNREAL!
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I'm sure that one of the things that Doyle has wrapped up is all of the story, vidieo, and photo rights.
I'm sure that it'll all end up in a magizine so you might have to wait with the rest of us to get to see what a 444 would look like.
Remember this is all second hand info at best.
And after watching the tv news report on the Milford Flat fire this summer I don't really believe every thing I hear.
Let's just wait and see what the facts are.
lifetime hunter
#-o crud now I'm never going to draw a tag!!! so much for my 14 bonus points!!!" alt="" />
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Hey lifetime, Don't quit now. Someone will get those tags, it had just as well be you. With 14 points you should be getting close.
Too bad Utah doesn't do it like Colorado. All of the tags go to the highest points. If you get in and stay in you WILL get your tag.
lifetime hunter
don't worry I won't give up.. I grew up down there! and know that area pretty well!

Yeah I wish Utah would change to draw system! hard not to get discouraged when you hear of people drawing out with 0 points!!! ](*,)
lifetime hunter
[-o< [-o< [-o< some day I WILL DRAW [-o< [-o< [-o<
I'm not familiar with this bull. Is this supposed to be a typical or non-typical with a score like that? I would assume non-typ since that's about what the world record currently scores. As a typical it would be the existing record by over 30 points, which seems a little unrealistic.....but possible I suppose.
Yeah there was a guy that was telling me that the mossbak crew had also got a non typical 8x9 from off the Wasatch unit that scored in the mid 450. Of course when you ask he had talked to a guy that had talked to a guy that was there.

The rumors are starting allready I wonder how far they will go this time. :-k
I heard it scored 625,same bull? :))
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Good point Nonya, When these people who are so fixated on the number that they almost forget the animal get to talking about bulls, there tends to be a whole lot of BULL---- mixed in with the truth.
Scores are OK in the sense that they are a way to define what a big bull is, but it seems that way too much is made of the number.
It kind of reminds me of some gradeschoolers arguing and saying, "Mine is bigger than yours".
I've seen some 330 bulls that were a lot prettier mounts than some of the 390-400's that are around.
Now if you could get a 400 that was put together right that would be big and pretty too.
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yeah big
lifetime hunter
here is the link to it posted one the elk thread... has a picture.. check it out!
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WOW!!!!!!!!! what a freaikin beast!!
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man that would look great with my face sittin behind it what a bull
Mind if I stir the pot allittle bit? Is that the great one on the right? If so how long did they need to wait, before he got there to take the pics?
"gilamonster8" wrote:Mind if I stir the pot allittle bit? Is that the great one on the right? If so how long did they need to wait, before he got there to take the pics?
The two in the picture are, left to right, Kalian Lemon(guide), Jimmy Ryan(hunter). The "great one' has a mullet. (@@)