Pahvant Elk!!

My dad pulled the Pahvant muzzy hunt this year, we are pretty excited and cant wait to start
scouting. Hopefully with a lot of hard work and scouting, we will be able to find us a great bull to go after.

There has not been much talk about the Pahvant on here lately, so what is your guys opinions
on the unit for the upcoming hunts this year?
Congrats on the tag. Keep us posted on your scouting. I do not know anything about that Unit except that there have been some real smokers taken off it before, no reason you should not have a chance at a good one. Good luck.
Still a great unit, still a great tag IMO. Not that I'm an expert, but should be fun. :thumb
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That should be a great hunt lots of nice bulls, with a little homework that should be a awesome hunt!!
GOOD LUCK!! :thumb
All of the big bulls that have come off of that unit weren't just fulkes. There are some real nice bulls that live on that unit. Don't let the fact that there hasn't been much talk about that unit let you think that the herd has fallen of there.
So it turns out that my little bro pulled the tag, and not my dad. They both put in for the same hunt on the same card, but my little bro had less points. So we just assumed it was my old mans tag until the emails came. Kinda bummed for my dad, but atleast we will still be big bull hunting.

I cant imagine what its like to be 20 years old and get to hunt elk on a great unit like that.

Lucky SOB!!!
CONGRATS to your brother! Please keep us posted...and take a LOT of pics!
"SomeGuy01" wrote:So it turns out that my little bro pulled the tag, and not my dad. They both put in for the same hunt on the same card, but my little bro had less points. So we just assumed it was my old mans tag until the emails came. Kinda bummed for my dad, but atleast we will still be big bull hunting.

I cant imagine what its like to be 20 years old and get to hunt elk on a great unit like that.

Lucky SOB!!!
Congrats to your little brother and good luck. I had a similiar experience this year with my boy this year.
I put him in with my card and noticed about a week ago I had a hit for $280 from DWR, figured it was me for sure (he has 0 points)...... well it was him, and he turns 18 tommorrow talk about a birthday present. To rub salt in an open wound my 17 year old nephew drew the same tag last year with no points. Looks like we will spend two weeks down there again this year on the San Juan Elk Ridge Archery Hunt.

Good luck to you guys,
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I hunted the archery elk on the Pahvant last year and all I can say is get ready for an awesome hunt! Anything can happen, just don't give up. There are a lot of awesome bulls on this unit just make sure you take the time to judge him before you pull the trigger. Also make sure you have good optics, a must for hunting this unit. These bulls can be hard to judge if you haven’t hunted big bulls like this before because all the bulls look big. My bull gross scored 380 net 370 and I shot him from 30 yards. I wish I could hunt this unit every year. My hunting buddy actually drew the archery elk tag for this unit this year so I get to go back down there and guide him. I can't wait, just a few weeks away. We've seen some nice bulls scouting,. Should be a good year, good luck!